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Off topic: 唱歌吧......(Sing, Sing a Song...)
દોર પોસ્ટ કરનાર: Wenjer Leuschel (X)
wherestip  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 19:12
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再听点儿 阳春白雪 Aug 5, 2007

The great violinist Heifetz playing Tchaikovsky


[Edited at 2007-08-05 23:46]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 19:12
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再听点儿 阳春白雪 Aug 5, 2007

The great violinist Heifetz playing Mendelssohn



About Jascha Heifetz ..
... See more
The great violinist Heifetz playing Mendelssohn



About Jascha Heifetz ...


[Edited at 2007-08-06 15:54]

wherestip  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 19:12
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Casanova Aug 6, 2007

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

But this one of 2005 ...

is with Heath Ledger and Sienna Miller. Wow!

Yes, Wenjer, that's the one I have. I usually give everything a chance. But the plot had better pick up real fast, otherwise it goes to the "bin".

I definitely have a lot of entertainment awaiting my retirement

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:12
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Надежда Aug 7, 2007

早上醒来,耳边一直响着一首七零年代在俄罗斯流行的曲子,找了半天找不到 Anna German 唱的,只找到 YouTube 这么一段 Muslim Magomaev 的男声歌唱,音效不怎么好,不过,聊胜于无。



... See more
早上醒来,耳边一直响着一首七零年代在俄罗斯流行的曲子,找了半天找不到 Anna German 唱的,只找到 YouTube 这么一段 Muslim Magomaev 的男声歌唱,音效不怎么好,不过,聊胜于无。



不知名的星星闪烁着     Светит незнакомая звезда
我们又再次离开家乡     Снова мы отоpваны от дома
多少城市挡在我们之间    Снова между нами гоpода
机场跑道上亮着灯光     Взлетные огни аэpодpомов
我们这儿是阴雨霏霏     Здесь у нас туманы и дожди
和冰冷的黎明        Здесь у нас холодные pассветы
在不曾走过的道路上     Здесь на неизведанном пути
等待我们的是无法预知的故事 Ждут замысловатые сюжеты

期待就是我的指南针     Hадежда - мой компас земной
成功就是勇气的嘉奖     А удача - нагpада за смелость
歌儿呀,一首就够了     А песни довольно одной
只要歌里唱的是家乡     Чтоб только о доме в ней пелось

你相信吧,从远方到这儿   Ты повеpь, что здесь издалека
许多东西都正在逐渐远去   Многое теpяется из виду
连暴风雨的云朵都无踪迹   Тают гpозовые облака
遗憾的似乎是过去的荒唐   Кажутся нелепыми обиды
学会的只应该是等待     Hадо только выучиться ждать
平静和坚强         Hадо быть спокойным и упpямым
为的是偶尔的那封小小的电报 Чтоб поpой от жизни получать
也会让你感到生命的喜悦   Радости скупые телегpаммы


而依然无法忘却的是不知何时 И забыть по-пpежнему нельзя
我们一直没有唱完的歌曲   Все, что мы когда-то недопели
那双迷人却已疲惫的眼睛   Милые усталые глаза
像是莫斯科蓝色的冰霜    Синие московские метели
我们之间又相隔了多少城市  Снова между нами гоpода
命运分离我俩,一如过往岁月 Жизнь нас pазлучает, как и пpежде
天空中那不知名的星星闪烁着 В небе незнакомая звезда
有如竖起一座期待的纪念碑  Светит, словно памятник надежде


俄罗斯歌曲唱 Вера, Надежда, Любовь (信、望、爱) 的倒不少,找个时间整理一下这类歌曲的各种不同风格的曲调。

[Edited at 2007-08-07 08:01]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:12
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Turning an esperance to a chance Aug 7, 2007

wherestip wrote:

Yes, Wenjer, that's the one I have. I usually give everything a chance. But the plot had better pick up real fast, otherwise it goes to the "bin".

I definitely have a lot of entertainment awaiting my retirement

Well, Steven, you can find in YouTube at least the complete film of the production with Peter O'Toole. It is a pretty nice one. That Mr. Casanueva's last words were, "I lived as a philosopher and die as a Christian." Interesting personality, huh?

[Edited at 2007-08-07 09:05]

The above Russian pop song is a "chanson de esperance" and so it is also a "chance" which we all share.

Надежда -> Esperance -> Esperanza -> 希望/期待 -> Hoffnung -> Hope

[Edited at 2007-08-07 09:09]

pkchan  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 20:12
સભ્ય (2006)
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永遠的微笑,給令人馬失前蹄,人翻馬仰的那一位 Aug 8, 2007


歌名: 永遠的微笑
... See more

歌名: 永遠的微笑
演唱: 周璇
附註: 電影-黑社會
作曲: 林枚, 編曲:
監製: , 填詞: 懷鈺





[Edited at 2007-08-08 01:43]

pkchan  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 20:12
સભ્ય (2006)
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情人的眼淚 Aug 8, 2007

See more

[email protected]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:12
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વિષયની શરૂઆત કરનાર
Georges Moustaki Aug 8, 2007

一下找到一堆 Moustaki 唱的歌曲:

Le métèque

Sans la nommer<
... See more
一下找到一堆 Moustaki 唱的歌曲:

Le métèque

Sans la nommer

Ma liberté

Humblement il est venu

Ma solitude

Le facteur

Joseph mon vieux

[Edited at 2007-08-08 20:24]

wherestip  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 19:12
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folk singer Aug 9, 2007

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

一下找到一堆 Moustaki 唱的歌曲 ...

他唱的我挺喜欢, 可惜不懂法文. 他有点儿像个 troubadour, 尤其是唱这一曲时


Very nice. BTW, somewhere in there I heard the word "vagabond"



[Edited at 2007-08-09 13:07]

wherestip  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 19:12
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Lyrics Aug 9, 2007


I found the lyrics to "Le Métèque". Thanks for the initial link to the song; I really like it.


Le Métèque (Georges Moustaki)

Avec ma gueule de mtque, de juif errant, de ptre grec
Et mes cheveux aux quatre vents
Avec mes yeux tout dlavs, qui me donnent l'
... See more

I found the lyrics to "Le Métèque". Thanks for the initial link to the song; I really like it.


Le Métèque (Georges Moustaki)

Avec ma gueule de mtque, de juif errant, de ptre grec
Et mes cheveux aux quatre vents
Avec mes yeux tout dlavs, qui me donnent l'air de rver
Moi qui ne rve plus souvent.
Avec mes mains de maraudeur, de musicien et de rdeur
Qui ont pill tant de jardins
Avec ma bouche qui a bu, qui a embrass et mordu
Sans jamais assouvir sa faim
Avec ma gueule de mtque, de juif errant, de ptre grec
De voleur et de vagabond
Avec ma peau qui s'est frotte au soleil de tous les ts
Et tout ce qui portait jupon
Avec mon coeur qui a su faire souffrir autant qu'il a souffert
Sans pour cela faire d'histoire
Avec mon me qui n'a plus la moindre chance de salut
Pour viter le purgatoire.
Avec ma gueule de mtque, de juif errant, de ptre grec
Et mes cheveux aux quatre vents
Je viendrai ma douce captive, mon me soeur, ma source vive
Je viendrai boire tes vingt ans
Et je serai prince de sang, rveur, ou bien adolescent
Comme il te plaira de choisir
Et nous ferons de chaque jour, toute une ternit d'amour
Que nous vivrons en mourir.
Et nous ferons de chaque jour, toute une ternit d'amour
Que nous vivrons en mourir

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:12
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વિષયની શરૂઆત કરનાર
My Chinese translation of "Le métèque" Aug 9, 2007

wherestip wrote:


I found the lyrics to "Le métèque". Thanks for the initial link to the song; I really like it.



This song has been translated and sung in several languages. My translation is not to be sung, but it's all right for understanding.

The word "métèque" means people from around the Mediteranean Sea, especially the ones from Middle East and North Africa where France had some colonies. Les métèques in France are special ones and Georges Moustaki is one of those guys (his relation to Edith Piaf was somehow controversial). You must have read what stand in Wikipedia. This guy is marvellous. I got to know about him and started to like him by the end of '70s. That was a time!

I guess I posted somewhere my translation of the song "Joseph mon vieux." That is a nice one. Let me find out where later. The text is pretty simple, but touching, like all the songs of Moustaki.

其实,在那几首歌中,Ma liberté 和 Ma solitude 的歌词最能代表 Moustaki 这个人的性情,但其它歌曲的调子表现的却是 Moustaki 音乐的最大特色,尤其是 Le facteur 和 Sans la nommer 这两首。我在七零年代末听了他的所有专辑后,再也无法不听他的歌了。

- Wenjer

[Edited at 2007-08-10 03:36]

wherestip  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 19:12
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Your Chinese translation of "Le Métèque" Aug 10, 2007


Thanks for pointing me to your translation. It definitely helped me understand what the song was about. As I understand it, there were some Turkish words mixed in with the French, which would make the lyrics even harder to translate.

No wonder some of the words didn't look like French to me.

pkchan  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 20:12
સભ્ય (2006)
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Bésame, bésame mucho, Aug 10, 2007

... See more

"Besame Mucho"

Besame, besame mucho,
Como si fuera esta noche la última vez,
Besame, besame mucho,
Que tengo miedo a perderte, perderte despues [twice]
Quiero sentirte muy cerca mirarme en tus ojos verte junto a mí
Piensa que tal vez mañana yo ya estare lejos, muy lejos de ti
[English translation]
Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
As if tonight were the last time
Kiss me, kiss me a lot,
For I'm scared to lose you, to lose you afterwards
I want to feel you very close, see myself in your eyes, see you near me
Think that maybe tomorrow I'll already be far, very far away from you
[ www.azlyrics.com ]

chance (X)
chance (X)
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What a pleasure Aug 10, 2007

Enjoy specially Ray Conniff And His Orchestra

wherestip  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 19:12
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Famous Bonnie Raitt Song Aug 10, 2007

See how Sanjaya got unduly criticized on this performance of his which also led to him being voted out.

Well, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches

... See more
See how Sanjaya got unduly criticized on this performance of his which also led to him being voted out.

Well, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f611r8hEpVI (Sanjaya Malakar)

Something To Talk About (Bonnie Raitt)

People are talkin', talkin' about people
I hear them whisper, you won't believe it
They think we're lovers kept under covers
I just ignore it, but they keep saying
We laugh just a little too loud
We stand just a little too close
We stare just a little too long
Maybe they're seein' somethin' we don't, darlin'

Let's give them somethin' to talk about
Let's give them somethin' to talk about
How 'bout let's give them somethin' to talk about
How about love?

I feel so foolish, I've never noticed
You'd act so nervous
Could you be fallin', baby?
It took a rumour to make me wonder
Now I'm convinced I'm goin' under
Thinkin' 'bout you every day
Dreamin' 'bout you every night
Hopin' that you feel the same way
Now that we know it, let's really show it, baby

Tell me something to talk about
A little mystery to figure out
I wanted somethin' to talk about
I want your love, love, love, love

Give them somethin' to talk about, babe
I got a little somethin' they can figure out, yeah
Give them somethin' to talk about
How about love, love, love, love?

Woo hoo, listen up, baby
oh, you mystery woman
I wanted somethin' to talk about
I want your love, love, love, love

[Edited at 2007-08-10 17:31]

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唱歌吧......(Sing, Sing a Song...)

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