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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
દોર પોસ્ટ કરનાર: QHE
ysun  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 22:06
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王府井大街的变迁 Sep 19, 2015

QHE wrote:

北京第三家 Apple Store 就在那里。






wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 22:06
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Amazing Transformation Indeed Sep 20, 2015

[Edited at 2015-09-20 16:39 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 22:06
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Family name Xi Sep 20, 2015

Just heard John McLaughlin call Xi Jinping "President Jinping" on his show.

યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 23:06
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વિષયની શરૂઆત કરનાર
王府井的变迁 Sep 20, 2015

ysun wrote:王府井大街的变迁



[Edited at 2015-09-20 18:45 GMT]

યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 23:06
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વિષયની શરૂઆત કરનાર
黄河儿女 Sep 20, 2015

Jasmine Flowers

Amazing Chinese 2015


[Edited at 2015-09-20 23:23 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 22:06
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consumer society Sep 20, 2015

QHE wrote:

ysun wrote:王府井大街的变迁



我想到王府井观观光还可以,不过人山人海、熙熙攘攘的也会很累。 真要买东西还是这边比较轻松惬意,高中低档次的消费品到处都是、应有尽有。

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 22:06
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记忆中的东单菜市场 Sep 20, 2015

I accidentally came across this piece of news ...


北京晚报 2015年08月25日 星期二

新址选在和平里 地上地下共7层 基地直供菜价能便宜30%



说起东单菜市场,最早的历史可以追溯到1902年清朝年间。那时候它的名字叫做“东菜市”,位于东长安街的东单路口西北角,东单二条胡同南侧。由于临近当时北京最早的使馆区东交民巷,一个普通的菜市场竟然还拥有自己的英文名字“East Market”,除了售卖一般的瓜果蔬菜、生活用品之外,还有一些在那个年代看起来格外稀罕的外国货出售,被当时的北京人公认为京城少有的“高档购物场所”。





wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 22:06
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安塞腰鼓 Sep 20, 2015


[Edited at 2015-09-21 01:52 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 22:06
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面向老百姓的东安市场已成为历史 Sep 20, 2015

QHE wrote:



[Edited at 2015-09-21 15:25 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 22:06
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崇文门菜市场 Sep 20, 2015

wherestip wrote:



યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 23:06
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વિષયની શરૂઆત કરનાર
王府井 Sep 20, 2015

wherestip wrote: consumer society

我想到王府井观观光还可以,不过人山人海、熙熙攘攘的也会很累。 真要买东西还是这边比较轻松惬意,高中低档次的消费品到处都是、应有尽有。

确实是这样。以前是比较喜欢王府井书店,工艺美术和各色美食; 但是后来那边变得没什么特色了, 购物中心也都是统一模式。我倒是比较喜欢大栅栏前门那条步行街。

ysun  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 22:06
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大栅栏 Sep 21, 2015

当年我刚到北京上学时,把大栅栏念成“dà zhà lán”。几位北京同学听了笑得前仰后合,笑得我莫名其妙。他们告诉我,应该念“大拾烂儿”!虽然我不理解为什么要这么念,但我想他们是北京人,这么念应该不会错。于是,“不理解也得执行”

... See more
当年我刚到北京上学时,把大栅栏念成“dà zhà lán”。几位北京同学听了笑得前仰后合,笑得我莫名其妙。他们告诉我,应该念“大拾烂儿”!虽然我不理解为什么要这么念,但我想他们是北京人,这么念应该不会错。于是,“不理解也得执行”


[Edited at 2015-09-21 03:22 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 22:06
ચાઇનિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી
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Weird Pronunciations Sep 21, 2015

ysun wrote:

当年我刚到北京上学时,把大栅栏念成“dà zhà lán”。几位北京同学听了笑得前仰后合,笑得我莫名其妙。他们告诉我,应该念“大拾烂儿”!虽然我不理解为什么要这么念,但我想他们是北京人,这么念应该不会错。于是,“不理解也得执行”


那你还算好的呢,记得航院里我爸的同事一板一眼管它叫 “dà shān lán” 的南方人大有人在,就连我也是以后上了高中要跑城里才知道大栅栏北京话应该怎样说。  

wherestip  Identity Verified
યૂનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટસ્
Local time: 22:06
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When in Rome ... Sep 21, 2015

New Orleans   That's a tricky one that even a Yankee who doesn't get around much could easily get wrong.

How do you pronounce New Orleans?

Here are some Austin landmarks whose pronunciations are unique to Austinites ...


Much like the spelling bee, I will attempt to use each of the landmarks in a sentence in an effort to help.

BURNET ROAD - Seems easy enough, right? I thought so, too, until I learned that it is pronounced BURN-it, not Bur-NETT. My son has his martial arts classes in Austin on BURN-it Road.

BUDA, Texas - This is not pronounced "Buddha". Instead, the phonetic pronunciation is BYOO-duh. The Y is not a separate syllable. Instead, it's like a hard Y sound, sort of like the "y" in "yarn". I am headed to BYOO-duh for a barbeque tonight.

HUTTO, Texas - This one has always seemed really easy to me, so I am constantly surprised when I hear someone say "HOO-toe" when it is clearly "HUT-toe", as it appears. My family and I live very close to HUT-toe.

MANCHACA Road - This is one of the worst offenders around. It would seem to be the Spanish pronunciation - Mahn-CHA-cah, right? Wrong. It is pronounced "MAN-shack", like a seedy bar. MAN-shack is a road in south Austin. It is also the name of a town just south of Austin.

ELGIN, Texas - This town located due east of Austin about 30 minutes is pronounced "ELL-gihn", not "ELL-Jen" like the watch company. ELL-gihn is home to regionally famous "ELL-gihn hot guts" (sausage).

KOENIG Lane - Try getting used to saying, "KAY-neg", NOT "KOH-nig". KAY-neg Lane has several names, as it is the same road as 290 (to the east), Northland, and 2222 (to the west). Easy, huh?

MANOR, Texas - This is a common problem for newcomers, as manor is an actual word used elsewhere in the English language. In central Texas, however, this is pronounced "MAY-nur". MAY-nur is located between Austin and ELL-gihn. MAY-nur is also a road near central Austin.

PFLUGERVILLE, Texas - This is where we have lived for 13 years, and it is named after the Pfluger family. As you might imagine, the P is silent and the rest is pretty much phonetic - FLOO-gur-ville. I enjoy living in FLOO-gur-ville.

LLANO, Texas - Try "LANN-oh". LANN-oh is on the outskirts of the Austin metro area.

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas - This German-settled town between Austin and San Antonio is home to Schlitterbahn, which is a giant water park and regional summer destination. The primary mistake I see here is people putting an additional "s" after "braun". It is New Braunfels, not New Braunsfels.


Here's something I read recently:


Rowling: You're pronouncing 'Voldemort' wrong
Fracas over 'Harry Potter' villain's name starts on Twitter
UPDATED 7:59 PM CDT Sep 10, 2015

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 22:06
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栅的发音 Sep 21, 2015

wherestip wrote:


那你还算好的呢,记得航院里我爸的同事一板一眼管它叫 “dà shān lán” 的南方人大有人在,就连我也是以后上了高中要跑城里才知道大栅栏北京话应该怎样说。  


确实,很多南方人都会说“dà shān lán”。我也在“dà zhà lán”和“dà shān lán”之间犹豫了半天。 上海有家著名的小吃店“乔家栅”,那个栅字就念shān。上海人甚至把它念成 sā (jiáo gā sā)。

顺便说一句,两年前我去 Apple 总部所在地 Cupertino,发现那里居然有家饭馆名叫“上海乔家栅”!


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