The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો : કરાર(ઓ) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
450 euros por TAC/RM 450 euro for CAT/MRI
5 % sobre el importe correspondiente a la suma de los precios netos de venta 5% on the corresponding amount of the total net sales prices
Entered by: Edward Tully
50 participaciones de la sociedad 50 shares/share units in the company
Entered by: Edward Tully
a 30 días 30 day (como adjetivo)
a afiliar to take effect (in this context) to be adhered to, fulfilled, complied with, etc...
A cambio de causa contractual legalmente válido y suficiente In exchange for legally valid and adequate contractual cause; In return for legal and adequate consideration
a cambio de una contraprestación fijada en tarifas preestablecidas in exchange for compensation set at pre-established rates
a cambio de una remuneración in exchange for payment
a cargo de under the responsibility
a cargo y costa de at its own cost and expense
a condición AS Built As-built condition
a contar de as of
a continuación hereinafter
a continuación se dio lectura al acta The minutes of the meeting ...
A continuación se dio lectura al Acta First, the agenda of the meeting was reviewed.
a contra Typo: a comenzar a "contar" a partir de... which shall/will be effective as of the...
a criterio razonable de in (YY\'s) reasonable judgment
a cualquier título (acting) in any capacity
a cualquier título for any reason
a cuantas leyes civiles o mercantiles sean de aplicación to all applicable civil and commercial laws
a cuenta de as down payment for...
a cuenta de convenio on account against future arrears
a cuenta nueva to a new accounting period
Entered by: patinba
a cuenta o definitivo interim or final; estimated or final
a cuenta, riesgo y cargo on the account, risk and expense (debt) ...
a cuya competencia se somete a efectos de la imposición which business is subjected to the effects of the penalty.
a cuyo conocimiento será remitido for their records
a debitar en cualquiera de nuestras cuentas o a compensar con cualquier suma que to debit in any of our accounts or to compensate with any amount that...
a disposición de at the disposal of ...
a disposición de in favor of
a disposición jurídica be available legally (by legal disposition) to the donor...
a efecto de que quede constancia de que la esta recibiendo so there will be proof that he/she has received it (is receiving it)
a efectos de este contrato tendra la consideracion de confidencial for the purposes of this contract, all the information...shall be considered as confidential
Entered by: Edward Tully
A efectos de lo dispuesto en la ley pursuant to law
a efectos de notificaciones for notification/communication purposes
a efectos de volumétrica for volumetric purposes
a efectos económicos for the purposes of determining financial matters
a elección de (xxx) at (xxx's) election
a estar y pasar por los otorgamientos... to abide by and observe all acts
a favor (en contexto) issued to
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