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સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો : કરાર(ઓ) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
que queda en resguardo en secretaría which is retained by the administrative office (or the Notary's office)
reiterada intencionalidad argumental en las atribuciones de causas steadfast intent to repeat averments that apportion the blame
se han salvado have been incorporated/added
se liberará ... will be made available
xxx construira a su cargo y en beneficio de - in this context xxx shall, at its (own) expense, build a well for the seller
y la expido como un primer testimonio en el mismo acto al firmarse la matriz. and I issue it herein as a first notarial certificate upon signature of the master document.
y previa coordinación con and with the prior coordination of XYZ, XYZ agrees and undertakes
"...para los efectos legales que haya lugar" for all legal purposes
"a cualquier otro titulo" (ayuda con la frase) under any other title or reason
"Acta de Socios Fundadores" Articles of agreement / certificate of incorporation
"ajustes salariales de la categoría “Operario Calificado” salary adjustments for the Skilled Operator category
Entered by: patinba
"órdenes e instrucciones" orders and instructions
Entered by: Coral Getino
"Como contraprestación por los servicios prestados" as consideration for services (provided/performed/rendered)
"contrato de elaboración en terceros" third party manufacturing contract/agreement
Entered by: liz askew
"de acuerdo a las leyes, la moral y las buenas costumbres" in accordance with laws, morality and proper conduct
"de común acuerdo" by mutual agreement
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
"en forma enunciativa y no restrictiva" (in this context) in the terms set forth herein but not limited thereto
"escritura de inmatriculación de exceso de cabida" First Inscription Deed of an Application for recitification of an entry in the Land Registry.
"fideicomitente y fideicomisario en segundo lugar" Settlor and secondary beneficiary
"gastos y accesorios" expenses and sundries/incidentals
"la cesionaria" the assignee
"La cuarta trebeliánica" the fourth part of an estate to be deducted by the fiduciary heir, who holds it in trust for another
"la no enajenación de los bienes imuebles" restrictive covenant preventing/restraint on/ disposal of the Company's fixed assets
"oferta variante" variant bid
"poder amplio de disposición y adminstración" broad power of attorney for disposition and administration
"por manera de contrato” contractual
Entered by: Edward Tully
"proferirá en derecho" ..will be rendered under/according to law
"quien acredita su personalidad en términos del testimonio del poder número 111" who demonstrates his legal capacity under the terms of official transcript of power of attorney 111
"repetir por su monto en contra de..." file a claim against XXX for (the recovery of) the amount
"reserva de acciones civiles" reserves the right to pursue civil action/remedies
Entered by: Alicia Orfalian
"SE INSERTASEN EN LETRA" and that they be inserted/added in full
Entered by: Edward Tully
"Siniestro no computable" Non-eligible loss
"socios supertites" surviving partners
Entered by: Edward Tully
"títulos perfectos" / "calificación de bien propio" clear titles
"XX S.A, s/ apelación Ganancias" XX S.A, on appeal - income
% de la propiedad % equity interest
'La Primera Circunscripcion' first district: circunscripcion (Spanish) i.e; circonscription (French): a territorial division as for administration/elections
'No se publicó el edicto por causa atendible' the banns were not published for good reason
'temporal e ilimitadamente' in both the short and long term
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