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સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો : કરાર(ઓ) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
a modalidad Suma Alzada at/for a lump sum/fixed price
a modo meramente ejemplificativo y no taxativo including, but not limited to ...
a nada más pedir o reclamar con fundamento en el mismo waive any request or claim on the basis of the same
a nombre shall be addressed to both the...
a nombre de on behalf of
a nombre y por cuenta propia on their own behalf
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
a parte neither by itself nor related..
a partir de la fecha de recibo por el correo (ver texto) as of the postmarked date
a partir de la obtención after receiving (the documents)
a partir del día de la fecha From this date onwards
a pesar que opere rescision en medio de cada periodo convenido regardless of any termination occurring within each contractual period
a petición y a cargo upon request and at the expense of
A precario Temporary (use)
a prorrata de un octavo proportionately at one eighth / at a one eighth pro-rata basis
a prorratas de las que ya sean titulares in proportion to the number they already own
a que en derecho hubiese lugar to the full extent of the law
a que haya lugar that are admissible
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
a que hubiera lugar that may arise (from such action)
a que hubiere lugar that might be granted
a que la sociedad fiduciaria xxxxx, con ocasión de una vinculación contractual that the fiduciary society .../ the event of a contractual link
a que pudiera estar sujeto o que pudiera dar lugar este contrato Payment of any and all taxes to which this contract could be subject or could be due therefrom
a que se le requiera para constituirlo en mora and is hereby waiving notice of delinquency
a que se llegue con los acreedores ..of the agreement reached with creditors
a quien incumpla la exclusiva (whoever) fails to comply with the exclusivity clause
a quien previa lectura que del mismo le efectué ratificó su contenido having read it aloud before him, he acknowledged the contents
a quien tengo como comparecido y parte en la representación que acredita whose appearance as legal representative, evidenced thereby, I enter on record
a reserva de to be set aside for / to be earmarked for
a sacar en paz y a salvo a hold harmless for and release from liability
a salvo except as set forth in
a salvo lo que se dispone sobre validez de acuerdos except as otherwise provided regarding the validity of resolutions
a satisfacción de to the satisfaction of
Entered by: Marcelo González
a satisfacción de esta ultima to the satisfaction of (company name)
a seis meses 6-month LIBOR
a sola firma on his own accord/as sole signatory
a solicitud de parte at the request of an interested party
A solicitud expresa del cliente at the express request of our client
A solo reconocimiento de firmas by mere recognition of signatures
a solo un efecto each equally binding
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
a su elección at their voluntary request
a su elección (in this context) at the company´s discretion
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