The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ધંધો / વાણિજ્ય (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation central services
ST/uj Initials of the person who types the document
staff permanente de asesores externos one of XXX's permanent external consultants/advisors
Stock Superior Overstock
stocks cambiados de signo stocks (with inverted sign)
su carta de referencia your reference price list
su efectivo due date
su entrada en el seguro effective date (of coverage) of the insurance
su forma de actuar their expected performance
su generalización a nivel europeo its widespread introduction at European level
su gestión active promotion
su inherencia (since) they are an integral / inherent / inseparable part (of the production process)
Entered by: EirTranslations
Su Magna Autoridad your Excellency
Entered by: Alicia Orfalian
su principal materia de estudio its main focus
su proyección dentro del Programa de Modernizacion its influence/role within the Modernisation Programme
Entered by: JudyK
su sugerencia ha sido enviada your suggestion has been forwarded to....
Sub Gerencia sub-management
Sub-Administrador deputy administrator
sub-invertir under-invest
sub-otorgada sub-granted
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
subasta económica auction to the highest bidder
Entered by: patinba
subcomisión syndicate
subcontratista subcontractor
Entered by: Marcelo González
subcontrato en primer orden first-tier subcontract
subcontrato/subcontratista nominado Subcontract/appointed subcontractor
subgerente armatorial chartering deputy manager
subgerente de abastecimiento y manufactura Assistant Supply and Manufacturing Manager
Entered by: Marina Soldati
subió went up
subinscripciones supplemental registrations
subrogación subrogation
subsanación, aclaración o rectificación to cure a defect, clarify or rectify
subsidiado subsidised/subsidized
Subvencion Subsidy, grant
suc. sucesores / y sucesión
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
sucesión succession
sueldos y cargas sociales salaries and social security contributions
suelo de ventas sales floor; minimum sales
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
sufragio efectivo effective vote, effective suffrage
sujetó su resolución subordinate his decision
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