The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

પોર્ચુગિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી અન્ય Translation Glossary

પોર્ચુગિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
lançamento de grife de calçados the launching of a label/ line/ brand of shoes
largo alcance broad range
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
laudo prévio preliminary opinion/report
Entered by: Thiago Capatti
Lâmina pré-composta italiana Rovere Rovere Italian precomposed thin cut sheets of wood
leg social e trabalhista Labor and social legislation
leg tributaria politica fiscal tax policy and inheritance law
leite "in natura" milk “in natura”
leito de dor sickbed
leuco leuco
LEZÍRIA wetland
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
liderado subordinate
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
ligar ne (see context) yes....but it is good to call, right ?
linha de produtos em série mass-production line products/goods
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
linha do envase packaging line
literatura literature
livre exercício free practice of the profession
locador lessor
local de destino nomeado appointed / scheduled destination port
loja do cidadão Loja do Cidadão
Ludoteca Toy & Leisure Library
luminotecnica luminotechnics
luta político-ideológica dos surdos brasileiros The history of the political and ideological struggle of the Brazilian deaf community for (...)
magmeira magma tank
Entered by: judith ryan
maior quanto menor a idade (proportionally) greater the lower the age (of the subjects)
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
mais do que dobrar (wants to) more than double...
mais experiência do que é normal more-than-average experience
MAIS INFLUENCIAM have the largest influence/impact
majoração increased
malha aberta open weave
malha batida hammered gold mesh
malotes a nível Brasil brazilian bank bags or bank bags from Brazil
mandos e desmandos (be subjected to) orders and counter-orders
maneira de falar is an understatement
manejada controlled (sustainable)
manejo de administração via sonda (drug) administration through feeding catheter
mangues ou nascentes wetlands..marshes..marshlands & springs...
Manilha de espera da poita anchor shackle or ring
manter-se fiel (to) remain true (to)
mantido sob custódia will remain in the possession of the....
mantidos sob dieta padrão (the animals) were kept on a standard diet
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