The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

પોર્ચુગિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી અન્ય Translation Glossary

પોર્ચુગિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
gerenciamento de inscrições enrollment/registration management
gerente setorial Sector Manager
Glicéridos glycerides
Entered by: Carla Lopes
gonzo gonzo
Entered by: Elisabete Cunha
grade de programação programming schedule [grid]; programming lineup
grades elásticas flexible security gratings..retractable security gratings
gradil and tela grating and screen
Entered by: Mario Freitas
graduado de serviço desk sergeant
Grampo com trilho produzido em chapa de fladres. Two-Piece Prong Fasterner..
grande capilaridade de rede de atendimento large capillarity of their service net/large capillarity of its service net
grande São Paulo Greater São Paulo
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
grelhagem screening
guardadas as proporções taking into account
guerra urbana urban unrest
Guia Salarial da XXX The XXX Salary Guide
Hab.Eq. IE (Inhabitant Equivalent)
Harmonizações harmonisation/harmonization (Am. Eng.)
Há (passado de haver) Please, see below
Hino dos Estados Unidos United States (National) Anthem
hipotermia hypothermia
Entered by: Mariana Moreira
homólogo year-on-year
homem de dinâmica a dynamic man
hora de amostragem (per) hour of sampling
houve o cuidado de levantarem-se pesquisas ... every care was taken to conduct scientific research studies...
IC3 (IC - itinerário complementar) IC3 (IC - complementary trunk road; trunk road)
idade gráfica writing age
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
identificado com brincos auriculares identified with ear tags
iliquidez iliquidity
Entered by: Carla Lopes
Imagens de grafite grafitti images
impedido banned / forbidden
imperdível unmissable
impericia malpractice
implementação de cadastro positivo good credit rating score
impor aos químicos demonstrar... require chemists to prove
impulso boost
início de nova linha de negócio starting a new line of business
incluindo o que diz respeito ao cumprimento de ciclos including with regard to the length of employment
inclusive exclusive inclusive (includes the value) / exclusive (doesn't include the value)
independente se regardless of whether...
Indicar formalmente preposto apto a representá-la junto à CONTRATANTE, Formally appoint an agent to represent it with the PRINCIPAL
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