The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી પરિવહન / આવાગમન / સમુદ્રીઆવાગમન Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
lauftechnische Auslegung design of the running gear
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Längs- und Quersteifigkeit longitudinal and lateral rigidity
Längskufe longitudinal skid
Entered by: Mats Wiman
Lärm-schutzzone quiet zone
läuft nicht things are not working well, isn't working
Löffel bucket
Löschdistanz quenching distance
LC logistics centre
LCC/RAM-Zusicherung LCC/RAM warranties
lebensmittelrechtlich zugelassen und deklarationsfrei permitted under the Food Law and exempt from declaration
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Lebenstelegramme Life Data Acknowledgements
Leergutverwaltung empties management
Leistung an Ordre delivery against bill of lading
Leistungsgerechtigkeit price fairness
Leistungswicklung power coil
Lenkwinkelgeber steering angle sensor
lichtes Feldmaß inside clearance height
Entered by: Daniela Wolff
Lichtmastkraftwagen floodlight truck
Entered by: Amy Billing
Lichtraumprofilerweiterung additional or added clearance
Entered by: monbuckland
Lieferaufträge ereignisgesteuert und regelbasiert angereichert event-driven purchase orders supplemented by rules
Lieferort place of delivery [or omit, depending on context]
Lieferplanvorschau forecast delivery schedule (SAP); delivery schedule forecast
Entered by: Beate Lutzebaeck
Liefervorlage delivery documents
Liegewanne mooring basin
linearer Ansatz on the basis of straight lines
Linienflieger Scheduled airline
Liniengebung lines
Liquiditätsbestand liquidity holdings OR stock of liquid assets
LKW-Waschhalle lorry wash (UK); truck wash
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Logistikdienstleister in logistischen Aufgabenstellungen beraten providing advice to logistics service providers / consulting logistics providers in regard to logistics objectives
Lok Arbeitsstände locomotive work stations
Lokkasten body (locomotive body)
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Lokomotivebespannungsstelle locomotive coupling points/sites /locations
Losebelader bulk shiploader
Losrad-Lauffahrwerke loose wheel trailer bogies
Lotsen Pilots
Lt/d load tons/day or long tons/day
Entered by: Marc Svetov
Luftstaupolster dunnage air bag
Magazinklinke magazine latch
Entered by: Darko Kolega
Mailing mail shots
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