The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી પરિવહન / આવાગમન / સમુદ્રીઆવાગમન Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
Kosten verauslagen pay costs in advance
kostenoptimal cost-effectively
Krampenanschlagband crimp sling belt
Krankenrücktransporte medical repatriation / medical repatriation service(s)
Kreuzungsbahnhof/Überholbahnhof crossing station/overtaking station
Kreuzverband cross wrapping
Entered by: Edith Kelly
kritische Prüfung critical review
kritische Transportgüter hazardous loads
kufig skid
Kugeldrucköler captive-ball oil cup
Kugelkranzwiege ball cage assembly cradle
Kugellenkkranz ball bearing turntable
Entered by: Jonathan Whiteley
kundennummernrein sorted by customer (reference) number
Kundenprüfer client/customer validator
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Kursgruppen price brackets
kurzfristige Termingeschäfte contracts with short (tight) deadlines
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Kurzläufergeschäft mit TVMs Short-dated securities business with in-cab signalling systems of the TVM type
KVE (Kleinste Verpackungseinheit) smallest packing unit
Entered by: Edward Bradburn
La Langsamfahrstellen
Lademittelverwaltung loading device management
laden to be summoned or to be subpoenaed
Entered by: Kathi Stock
Laderaumbegrenzung the walls of the cargo area
Ladungen summons
Ladungen / Teilpartien Consignments / Partial lots
ladungsübergreifende Lieferung multiple load shipment
Ladungssicherung der Isolierbehälter auf dem Lademittel Safe Loading of Insulated Containers on a Conveyance
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Ladungsträgerinventur load carrier inventory
Entered by: roak
ladungszertifizierte Anhänger load or cargo certified trailers
Laenge ueber Gummipuffer length up to and including rubber buffers
Lagerhotel self-storage (space/facility)
Lagerprozeßgestaltung storage process design
Lagerspiegel store/warehouse tracking report
Landesbedeutsame Buslinie rural connectors
Langläufer long-running product
Langläuferteil long lead-time item
Langrohrkessel Long-tube boiler
Laschpunktraster lashing point grid
Lauffahrten main (delivery) routes
Lauffähigkeit proper running order
lauftechnisch design speed capability
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