The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી પરિવહન / આવાગમન / સમુદ્રીઆવાગમન Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
Hubameise pallet truck
Hubgerüst lift(ing) platform
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
I-Stöße butt joint
idealtypisch model
im Akkreditiv in the letter of credit
im Bestand (including) existing ones
im Druckschwell- und Druckwechselbereich range of pulsating and alternating compressive stress(es)
im Falle einer Stückelung We reserve the right to split up the order (....). In this event the price for the original package size ordered will be charged
im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns focal point of our activities
im Regal verfahrbar moving through the racking structure/system
im Takt der Montage am Band match the assembly line schedule
im Verbund versetzt stacked crosswise
im Westen was Neues News from the Western Front
Import- und Exportsteuerung Import and export management
Importdisposition import planning/management (department)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
in abgehenden Gleisen in Weichen branching off tracks (at switches)
in der A1 Fahrt A1 navigation
in Fahrt kommen commissioned/put to sea
in Verbund schlichten (Kartons) flatten into bundles
Inbetriebsetzer commissioning engineer, startup engineer
Indikativanfrage indicative inquiry (US)
Infahrtwaage in-motion weighing / checkweighing
innenseitig versetzt internally staggered
Innenverhältnis internal relationship
innergemeinschaftliche Lieferung intra-community delivery
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Innovationsfeuerwerk innovation explosion, explosion in innovation
Insellieferung delivery to islands
Entered by: Arne Marko
Interneterfassung Internet entry / entries
ist frei Haus des ... carriage paid to the producer's
Jakobsdrehgestell articulated/articulating bogie; inter-car truck (US)
Jumbozug double deck lorry and drag
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Just-in-Time Systeme fahren auf cleverer Hardware ab just-in-time systems get rolling with/roll out on smart hardware
Kabeleinführung cable entry
Kabelschrumpfkappe heat shrink end cap
Kannkräfte siehe unten
Kantenschutzwinkel edge protection bracket
Entered by: Astrid Elke Witte
KAP audit of consolidated/group financial statements
Kastenlok rigid body; box-type
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Kaufleute für Verkehrsservice transit services sales personnel.
Köpfen smoothing/levelling/leveling/buffing
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