The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી વહાણ, સૈલિંગ,દરિયાઇ Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
gréement poussant swept (spreader) rig
Entered by: Tony M
Gueuse Kentledge
guignols jumper stays
Entered by: Paula Price
hauteur de pont deck height
hauteur de séchage drying height
heure légale Brest French standard time
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
houle figée Static swell
houle résiduelle residual swell
inclinaison tge pitching angle
indicer point out
initiateurs Instructor's assistant
jauge tonnage
L'Union Nationale pour la Course au Large National Association for Offshore Racing
Entered by: Paula Price
lames aluminium larmées (almond) aluminium treadplate
largage de bosse casting off the painter
larges boucles drifting in a large circular current
lattage teck teak deck overlay
lattes sur quartier quarter-cut strips
L’amarrage à couple side by side mooring
L’habitabilité ne se joue pas que sur le pont spaciousness is not just restricted to the deck
l’IR Mesurée IR measured
Entered by: Paula Price
le déplacement IMS IMS Displacement
Entered by: Paula Price
les années héroïques the glory days
les Directeurs départementaux de l’équipement (French) Departmental Public Works Directors
les profondeurs minimales sont portés au zero hydrographique adjusted to hydrographic zero
Les secours en mer Sea Rescue / Lifeguards / Coastguards
lest keel ballast
levée lifting
lieu de visite avilable for viewing
Lieutenant au Cabotage Lieutenant trained in coastal navigation
lignage alignment
Ligne de service (seaman's) service record / Seaman Service Book (SSB)
Entered by: Tony M
ligne de terre ground (earth) line
lignes tendues taut/sleek lines
linéaire visiteur visitor berths for large(r) yachts; linear moorings
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
lits ciseaux v-berth
logiciel de conduite du moteur engine control software
Entered by: Didier Fourcot
longerons courts short draw bar/A frame
LP luff perpendicular
Entered by: Paula Price
lyre à passerelle T bar gangway mount
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