The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી વહાણ, સૈલિંગ,દરિયાઇ Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
cote marine chart datum
Entered by: Mark Bossanyi
Cote nominale nominal depth
coulage trade ullage
couple de levée main frame
couple de puissance driving force
coureauleur [type of boat] {specific type of traditional [fishing] boat plying the channel (Coureau) between Ile de Ré & French west coast}
Entered by: Tony M
couronnement du quai Coping (of the quay)
course à l\'armement pouring money into a boat to win races
creanciers abandonnataires abandonee-creditors
croisière participative à la voile hands-on sailing cruise
croisillon d'amarrage mooring bitts
Cross Med - Sous Cross Corse Regional Operational Monitoring and Rescue Centres Corsica subdivision or sub-group
dans le plan with an angle of or in a X plane
dans le poste avant in the forecastle/ fo\'c\'sle
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
décaissé recess
déconsigner Remove lockout/tagout or Release lockout/tagout
Entered by: Shaila Kamath
dégradations réparées aux frais des personnes damage repaired at the expense of the individuals
dématosser shift the gear
déployer l’orc rig the (ORC) storm jib
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
déradiage launching
déraper side-slip
dériveur intégrale centreboard yacht/sloop/ketch/etc.
déroutement deviation / diversion
Entered by: Tony M
de la règle de jauge IR2000 IR2000 rating rule
Entered by: Paula Price
delphinière overhang stemhead
delphinière [boat element] dolphin-nose (see question for fuller discussion)
Entered by: Tony M
dessinent un bateau mordant help / make the boat slice through the sea
directeur du port Harbor Master
distinction de service insignia representing his rank and his honours
Entered by: Laura Robertson
division section
donneur d'ordre portuaire on-site agent
douane marine customs house
dressé(e)(s) à leur encontre established against them
Entered by: Tony M
droit annuel de navigation annual sailing fee
DRT DRT (Direction de Réception et de Transit: Directorate of Reception and Transit)
du port de pêche de chef de Baie the fishing port called Chef de Baie
durer à la mer (designed) for enduring/long-lasting seaworthiness
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
efforts dus au vent wind loadings
Elancements : BO, SO, Y, x et h measurements BO, SO, Y, x and h
Entered by: Paula Price
embraqueur grinder
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