The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી વહાણ, સૈલિંગ,દરિયાઇ Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
strates de tissus tissue layers or strata
streamer streamer
Entered by: Ronald van Riet
Structures jamais malmenées structures never subjected to stress
support armement rack/fitting for safety equipment
supra-divergent Counter-rotating
Entered by: merlrennes
sur le flanc vs. à plat leaning or flat, how far over they are leaning depending on their shape and rig
sur panoplies on tool boards
surbau hatchway coaming
survente gust
tableau BOAT TRANSOM (rear skirt or rear apron)
tableau des servitudes de bord onboard electrical panel
taquet de garde midships cleat / spring line cleat
Entered by: Tony M
tente de baume boom tent
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
terminologie nautique - au port nautical terms - in harbour
timonier pilothouse boat
tirant d'air air draught / air draft
titre de circulation nationale National permit
titre de navigation sailing/navigation permit
toile canvas
toile ignifugée flame-retardant canvas
toutes voiles dehors au près close-hauled under full sail
Entered by: Tony M
tranchantes incisive
travers breast lines
treuil niveleur leveling winch
un monument de la voile legendary sailing festival
un petit temps de préférence gentle breeze preferably
un poste amodié an allocated berth
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
une mer forte de 3/4 avant rough sea broad on the bow/3 or 4 points on the bow
vagues de roche rock/reef breaks
vaigrage à la tête du lit panelling at the head of the bed
Vaisseau Ships-of -the-line
vannes à boisseaux sphériques ball valves
vannes de plems PLEMs (pipeline end manifolds)
varangage flooring
vérin de quille keel ram
vedette hollandaise Dutch-built motor cruiser
Entered by: Janet Ross Snyder
vibrations sauvages for pure, untamed exhilaration
vigie lookout / watchman
vinyle pastillé collé soudé grand passage heavy duty weld-bonded vinyl raised-medallion flooring
virement tacking
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