The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી તબીબી : ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ્સ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
ardor burning sensation
area de acceso anteroom
Entered by: EirTranslations
area de acondicionamiento scrub room
Entered by: EirTranslations
areas del Std de hydroxylamine the areas corresponding to the hydroylamine standard
Entered by: William Pairman
arrastre de tubería / tubería arrastrada tube flushing / flushed tubing
Asa para microdiluciones microdilution loop
asistencia a domicilio home care
atemperar allow xxx to reach room temperature
atención de (audit) management
atmósfera de nitrógeno inert atmosphere (work)
atmosfera protectora protective environment
atrofia linfoide tímica lymphoid atrophy in the thymus
AUC en estado estacionario steady state AUC
auditorías con causa for cause audits
aumentar la AHR a otros mediadores constrictores increase AHR to other constrictive mediators
aumentó en forma menos proporcional a la dosis increased less proportionally to the dose
Entered by: Jorge Arteaga M.D.
aumentó en más del 400% desde el valor increased by more than 400% vs. the initial/original value
AUP Highly Purified Water (HPW)
ausencias (test for microbes) absence
aut. libro article extracted from the book (see below)
autólogo autologous
autoamplificación self-amplifying
autorización de agotamiento grandfathering authorization
Entered by: Robert Carter
aviso de funcionamiento Notice of operation
avocación writ of certiorari right
axilarina axillarine
axonge axunge
ayuda a aprovechar aún más a este colectivo helps people / patients make even better use of their services
ácido 2-acetoxitereftálico (carboxisal) 2-acetoxyterephthalic acid (carboxylic salt/carboxysalt)
ácido clorhidrico hydrochloric acid
ácido dietilentriamina pentaacético bismetoxietilamida diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid bismethoxyethylamide
ácido pantoténico pantothenic acid
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
ácido peniloico epímero 2 epimer 2 of penilloic acid
émbolo plug
émbolo (pharmaceuticals) piston
óvulos vaginales vaginal pessaries/suppositories
Entered by: Emma Goldsmith
úlcera sangrante bucal extensiva y local extensive, localized and/, bleeding mouth ulcer
únicas separate / exclusive / individual // single
’s s [the plural]
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