The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી તબીબી : ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ્સ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
actúa básicamente sobre ella it targets it / it targets serotonin
Activan un mecanismo de acción trigger a mechanism
activímetro activimeter
actividad "extenuante" previa prior strenuous activity
ad labium ad labium
adamantina adamantine
Entered by: patinba
adenilciclasa adenylate cyclase
Entered by: liz askew
Adenocarcinoma gástrico metastásico localmente avanzado o no resecable locally advanced or non-resectable / inoperable metastasic gastric adenocarcinoma
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Adenoma de células subcapsulares subcapsular adenoma/ subcapsular cell adenoma
Adenoma papilar red testicular papillary adenoma of the rete testis
administración a alta presión particularly oxygen administered at high pressure
Entered by: EirTranslations
Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica National Food, Drug and Medical Technology Administration
adopción esperada por perfil de clínico expected treatment based on clinical profile
adrenalina al milésimo adrenaline 1/1000
Entered by: Dr. Andrew Frankland
adventicios adventitious agents
afecto negativo negative affect
AFINADO AFFINED (for sugars and syrups)
Entered by: Melissa Mann
afinidad por el punto de unión affinity for the binding site
Entered by: liz askew
aforo sample testing
Ag de S. Pneumonia S. Pneumoniae (Pneumonia) antigen
Agar violeta rojo bilis dextrosa. VRBD Agar (Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar)
Entered by: liz askew
Agencia española de medicamentos y productos sanitarios Spanish agency of medicine and health care products
Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products
Entered by: Gemma Sanza Porcar
agente detoxicante natural natural detoxifying agent
agentes cancerígenos carcinogens
Entered by: sandra carrazzoni
agitador dispersor, pala paddle stirrer/disperser
Agitar en ultrasonidos to sonicate
Agitar mecánicamente mechanically stir the...
agua calidad, metanol calidad (HPLC) HPLC-grade water and methanol
agua con reactivo LAL LAL reagent water/Reagent Water
aires primaverales Spring air
Aislador flexible Flexible isolator
al privar by depriving
al que además implicarán de una manera mucho más estrecha who will become much more closely involved
al que se le entregue el fármaco receiving the drug
alcance al radicado No. [xxx] addition / supplement to file no. [xxx]
Alfa-epiclorifenhidrina-G alpha-epichlorophenylhydrin-S
Entered by: Gwenydd Jones
Alimentación de los respiradores Oxygen supply to ventilators
Entered by: EirTranslations
alimentación desequilibrada unbalanced diet
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
allegar, allegada 1) Submitted. 2) Attached/annexed. 3] Given/submitted. 4] Not submitted
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