The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો : પેટન્ટસ્, ટ્રેડમાર્કસ્, કોપીરાઇટ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
protección del fondo y la forma protection of the content and the form
publicado el suspenso the suspension (of the trademark application) has been published
Entered by: Giuliana Riveira
puesta en carácter de: that the foregoing signature, which reads: RAMON IZAGUIRRE, is authentic and has been affixed .
que a este título otorgan to enjoy the rights granted ON THE BASIS of provisions in force
que aporta esenciales características de novedad which provides essential features of novelty
que no se denomina that/which
Entered by: Edward Tully
que nuestro cliente realizará para confirmar los derechos esgrimidos. that our client shall perform to confirm the rights asserted
que se pretende aplicar which is intended to be applied
Entered by: Laura Gómez
que se pretende distinguir that we try / which we are trying to diffentiate
quebrantamiento de las formas esenciales del juicio infringement of due process
Queda hecho el depósito que marca la Ley Copyrighted
Quien impuesto de su tenor Who being aware of the contents thereof
régimen system
Entered by: Bill Greendyk
régimen común general tax regime
réplica de acciones oficiales responses (or) replies to official actions
Rótulos de establecimiento Logos
Entered by: Edward Tully
realización de la lavadora de la invención embodiment of the present invention (of a washing machine)
Entered by: Raúl Waldman
reclamar por esta controversia to claim against XX due to this controversy
Recurrida en apelacion The subsequent appeal
red de expendedurías de tabaco y timbre tobacco and stamp outlet network
registro de base basic registration
Entered by: Justin Peterson
registro de la enseña comercial business name registration
Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual Intellectual property register
registro de marcas y patentes registry of trademarks and patents
registros (de patentes) registrations
reivindicación Claims
Entered by: Jessica Noyes
reivindicaciones claims
reivindicaciones de producto product claims
Entered by: Alicia Orfalian
representada client
requiérase, dese traslado, apercíbase, adviértasele it is ordered that... summoned, served, warned, notified
requiso requisition= an official form on which a request is made
reserva reservation
reservas reservations
responder prevenciones respond to objections
responsabilidad a los efectos oportunos and shall assume all liabilities thereof
revisión oficiosa unofficial review
RF1998i-5225 (reference number) RF
riesgo de marcas trademark risk
rolan en el Registro de Propiedad del Conservador de Minas de ccc are recorded/rolled at the real-estate record office of the Mines Custody Department of ...
S en C por A de C V limited partnership (or joint stock company) with varying amount of capital
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