The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો : પેટન્ટસ્, ટ્રેડમાર્કસ્, કોપીરાઇટ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
estado de la técnica state of the art
Entered by: Bill Greendyk
estilizacion schematization
Entered by: Joseph Tein
estimacion [the Court hereby rules/agrees] to sustain [the submitted appeal]
estrategia de corte a strategy of a political and military nature
Entered by: Heather Phillips
etilcelulosa HG ethyl cellulose HG
ex re ipsa automatic damages (ex re ipsa)
Exclusión de responsabilidad y garantías Exclusion of liability and guarantees/warranties
Entered by: EirTranslations
expediente file/record/dossier
explotar en navegacion de cabotaje operate in coastal navigation
Extinción de la acción penal... discontinuance of criminal proceedings/droppimg of charges
falso de falsedad absoluta wrong as wrong can be
fecha anteriordad priority date
Entered by: wendy griswold
fecha de prioridad priority date [patent application]
Entered by: liz askew
fecha de remisión reference date
fianza de rato bond posted by an attorney who has not received a power of attorney
fianza de rato bond posted by an attorney who has not received a power of attorney from his client
firma titular (de una y otra marca) companies owning these two trademarks
FJ TERCERO [fundamento jurídico tercero] Court Consideration/Opinion Nr. 3
formular denuncias y querellas penales to file crime reports and enter appearances as a party to criminal proceedings
Entered by: Rebecca Jowers
Fraccionador Bulk-breaking plant/bulk-breaker
Entered by: liz askew
frente al que se pretende hacerlo valer against which opposition seeks to prevail
Entered by: Laura Gómez
fusión merger
Gerente Sectorial de Registro y Control Sectorial Director of Registry and Control
gestión de derechos Management of Rights
gestion colectiva de obras collective management of works
guía terrestre, marítima, área bill of lading (see below)
Entered by: Emma Ratcliffe
guinches [spanglish] winches
Ha No. Reg./I.D./Auth. Number
ha permitido que....haga cumplir provisionalmente la decisión. has provisionally enforce the judegement
Entered by: Dr. Andrew Frankland
habiendo por presentado este escrito, having treated this claim as submitted ..... SEE BELOW
Entered by: Simon Davies
hacer(se) parte to appear on a file as a party/one of the parties to the case
Hecho preliminar Background
Entered by: Eliza Ariadni Kalfa
heterogeneidad legal sea tan acentuada laws differ so much from one country to another
hipoeca igual rango que posteriores Equal priority over any subsequent mortgages
Entered by: Emiliano Pantoja
hombre al agua man overboard
IFE credencial IFE / credencial del Instituto Federal Electoral / Voter's Registration Card
Igual suerte desestimatoria ha de correr must equally be rejected
IMPUESTOS los comparecientes the appearing parties, having been notified/informed
impugnante opponent/opposer; challenger
incentivar el abanderamiento como nacionales with the objective of encouraging the registration of foreign ships as (BEING) national
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