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સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી સરકાર / રાજકારણ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
sectores medios escolarizados educated middle class people
sectores populares low-income population / working class
sede constituyente constituent assembly
según las siglas according to the political affinities of ...
seguimiento de las políticas establecidas por su país vecino to comply/go along with polices established by its neighboring country
Segundo Teniente de Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Second Deputy Mayor of the XXX Town/City Council
Entered by: EirTranslations
Sello ovalado cruzado overlapping oval stamp
Entered by: Robert Carter
sello visado visa stamp
SEM Ministry for Women's Affairs/Ministry for Women
Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria Ongoing Seminar on Agricultural Research
senador por acumulación Senator at-Large
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
sensible (barrera) considerable/significant (resistance)
sentido de voto voting outcome/results
ser votado to run for office
Seremi de Gobierno Regional Ministerial Secretary
serle de aplicación lo dispuesto en la disposición transitoria (before) the terms of the transitional provision (of the Order...) became applicable to him or her
Servicio de Régimen Jurídico Legal Service
servicio de vigilancia policial desde el mar marine police service
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
Servicio fiscal y fronteras customs and immigration (service)
Entered by: Patrice
Servicio Nacional de Pesca National Fisheries Service
servicios de la Cámara Congress
servicios de proximidad community services
servicios públicos utilities
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
servicios públicos domiciliarios utilities, public utilities
Servicios Técnicos Comunitarios Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX)
Entered by: Rafa Lombardino
seseguir contabilizándose como tiempo aportado a los seguros sociales and may or may not continue contributing to their quota of N.I. payments (UK) / SS payments (US)
sesión descentralizada reegional meeting (a meeting not held in the usual location)
sexvicies twenty-sixth / twenty-six
Entered by: Justin Peterson
si bien el control tampoco era aplicado con el permiso otorgado even though the control was not enforced either with the permission granted
Si es importante [...], y en la práctica And while it is important [...], in practice
si lo entendiera del caso if considered appropriate
Entered by: Fiona N�voa
si no cambia este rumbo if this direction does not change
si todo marcha if all goes well
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
siéndoles de aplicación esta Ley under the enforcement of this law
sicarios hit men
siendo de mi conocimiento y con capacidad legal whom I know personally and who has legal capacity
silenciamiento y el libertinaje repression and unbridled power
sin cubrir por oferta pública not covered/met through public supply
Entered by: Edward Tully
Sin dejar de relevar while taking due account of // while taking due notice of
sin que ello esté reñido without this being at odds with
Entered by: patinba
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