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સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી સરકાર / રાજકારણ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
actuación comunitaria en materia de community action in terms of (the environment)
Entered by: Marcelo González
actuación puntera major initiatives
Entered by: Edward Tully
Actuacion No.982 Arancel Art No 4/11 Proceeding No. 982, Tariff [according to] Article No. 4/11
Entered by: albertdeng
actuaciones susceptibles de protección projects/programmes eligible for protection
actualizaciones de los veterinarios veterinary inspections
actuando una suerte de latinoamericanización setting/putting in motion a process of Latin-Americanization
Entered by: Marcelo González
actuario actuary
Entered by: Yaotl Altan
acuerdo de apertura decision to open the case
acuerdo de mínimos minimum agreement
acuerdo de minimo minimum agreements
Acuerdo Ministerial número... Ministerial Resolution number...
Acuerdo Reglamentario Regulatory Agreement
adelantan sus objetivos are furthering their objectives
Administración de justicia Department of Justice
Administración General del Estado Civil Service/ Crown officers
administración local / corporaciones locales local government or administration / local corporations
Administración Pública Estatal State Public Administration
administracion de desastres administration of disasters
administrador del Externado Externado administrator/director
admitir márgenes estrechos set narrow limits
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
adquirió valor como movimiento de conjunto (and) gained/gaining momentum as a cohesive movement
adquiridos frente a los participantes por el gobierno the government's commitments made to the participants
adquirir por prescripción adverse possession
adscripciones internationales international appointments or international assignments
afectación impact
afectados those involved/interlocutors
aforo [waste management context] users subject to measurement/weight-based fees/pricing/charges/unit-pricing model
agarrar hueso get a piece of the pie by getting an easy government "job"
AGE Administración General del Estado
AGENCIA DE MEDIACIÓN PARA LA INTEGRACIÓN Y LA CONVIVENCIA SOCIAL (Mediation) Agency for Integration and Social Coexistence
Agencia del Conocimiento Information and Technology Agency
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
agente social agents
agravamiento de las afecciones sensibles al calor worsening of heat related ailments
agravante aggravating circumstance
ahí donde in circumstances where (in fact) ...
ahuizote The Barb
al accionar de to the actions/operations of...
al revisar aquella historia por el estúpido temor de ser estigmatizados when examining the history due to an unfounded fear (that) they might be called/labeled/branded as
Entered by: Marcelo González
al sistema natural funcionar en red (allow) the natural systems to function as a network
alcaidía detention centre/center
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