The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી સરકાર / રાજકારણ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
bajarle un cuarto de cambio (a algo) take (something) down a notch
bajo cualquier otra forma de explotación under any other type of operation
Balance overview
balotaje runoff voting / second-round voting
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
bancada party
Entered by: Joseph Tein
bancarización forzada bank (deposit) freeze
bandera pledge
banquista bankism
barandilla en turno police on duty at the front desk
barón (political) heavyweights
Barcelona ciudad solidaria Barcelona, City of Solidarity
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
barcito, un quiosquito en una cancha small bar, a little (drinks) stand/kiosk at/by a sports ground
baremo de competencias (standard) schedule of competencies
Entered by: Marilena Berca
barita bottle rocket
barras del futbol soccer hooligans
Entered by: AllegroTrans
barriadas de invasión squatter settlements
barril sin fondo bottomless pit
base de datos sociométricos sociometric database
base de la legitimación de la democracia (y de su modo legítimo de actuar) foundation/base that justifies democracy (and it\'s legitimate way of functioning)
bases rank-and-file members
bastones de mando de Diputados Generales staffs of office of the Deputies General
basurización debased
beneplàcito blessing
Entered by: Language Connection
beneplácito de estilo agrément
bep/hab-año boe/c/year
Entered by: David Ronder
beso del diablo the kiss of death
bien jurídico legal asset
bienes advenidos escheated property
bienes muebles e inmuebles movable and immovable property
binomio combination; coupling; partnership; association; dual notion (of)
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
Bitácora presidencial de un vicepresidente Presidential Diary of a Vice President / Presidential Log of a Vice President
bloque Latinoamericano Latin American block
boas sycophants/toadies/hangers-on
bochorno para el combatiente enclaustrado (It's not an) embarassment for the political prisoner
bola (Mexico) gang, group
BOLETA DE CITACION summons / Notice to Appear (NTA)
boletas huecas de plata (little) hollow silver balls
Bolivarianismo Bolivarianism
botón de muestra ...just a sample of
brazo ejecutor del gobernador the governor's right-hand man
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