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સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી નાણાકીય (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
$60,000.00 (SESENTA MIL PESOS 00/100 M.N.) $60,000.00 (SIXTY THOUSAND PESOS 00/100 NAT. CURR.) (National Currency)
$77'569,284 $77,569,284
% a.m. % per month
Entered by: Sarah Weston
% al millar % to the thousand (figure)
Entered by: sandra carrazzoni
% De utilización de la capacidad \"% capacity used
% R.E. (Recargo de Equivalencia) % Additional VAT
'Cartera de créditos credit portfolio
(año) ...en [que] ((el)) haga uso de la autorización concedida. year in which the given authorization is used
(acciones) individualizadas designated/named
(dar de) baja /retiro disposals
(estado/informe) determinado al (statement/report) as of
(importe) ejecutado (without having) forfeited (to forfeit) the amount
(indice del) dominio area indicators
Entered by: Sarah Weston
(Inversiones financieras) a CP short-term (financial investments)
Entered by: William Pairman
(la empresa)los podrá llevar al descuento (the company) can discount them /they can be discounted (by the company)
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
(no) cobrados unpaid (in this context)
Entered by: Justin Peterson
(p.b.) bp (basis points)
(un valor entre paréntesis) et le signal - they have the same meaning
(visión) TTC TTC (through the cycle)
Entered by: liz askew
**Constitución** de depósitos a plazo fijo establishment of fixed term deposits
*electos de una terna* elected from a slate
*la facultad de darse por citado* the authority to acknowledge receipt of summons
*votando separadamente* de los demás accionistas* voting separately from the other shareholders
+10,1%e estimated
- Comunes Property management fees
Entered by: EirTranslations
.. que abarque ocupaciones y precios del hotel... that includes availability and prices of the hotel
... oponérsele el beneficio de división (without the latter being able) to dispute the benefit of division with him
... seis (06) cifras medias, la cual moviliza satisfactoriamente has an average balance in the six figure range for the month of January.
.....poner coto a los repos y al prestámo de valores para apuestas a la baja. securities lending for short selling
Entered by: Nick Harding
...con el objetivo de que reviertan su valoración en su precio justo teórico to revert to its (theoretical) fair value
...en su lanzamiento[...] encabezó los primeros lugares en colocación its launch[...] our branch was the leader with respect to placement
1.651,27 miles de euros (conversión escrita) see explanation
Entered by: RSI EN-ES (AA)
100 palos de liquidez 100 millones
Entered by: EirTranslations
1000 billion one trillion
13.000 millones y 1000 millones 13 billion Euros and 1 billion Euros
13.942 miles de € 13.942 million Euros
164 neto ud. Euros unidad / unit
220 MM € €220M (British Eng)
25.000 millones de pesetas 25 billion pesetas
Entered by: EirTranslations
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