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સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી નાણાકીય (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
adquirencia acquisition
ADQUIRENCIAS acquisitions
Entered by: patinba
adquirio acquired/took over
adquirir la moneda al tipo de cambio vigente, pudiendo incluso autocontratar. acquire the currency at the exchange rate in force, including the authority to self-deal
Entered by: Edward Tully
adquisición leasing/renting
adquisición derivativa de acciones share buyback / derivative acquisition of stocks
adquisición derivativa de acciones propias acquisition of own shares in the secondary market
adquisición en autocartera buyback of shares
adquisicion onerosa acquired for valuable consideration
Entered by: patinba
Adquisiciones o transmisión de participaciones purchase or disposal of equity stakes
adscrito affiliated (with)
afección lien
afecciones en garantía pledge charges
afectación de cobranzas allocation of collections
afectada recorded or registered
Afectado de una manera invariable... (The Association's assets) will be allocated invariably, permanently and exclusively...
Entered by: Richard Cadena
afectarse al patrimonio shall be placed in trust with (X)/are to be exercised through (trustee X)
afecto el destino de un bien determines the assignment of an asset
afianzada guarantee, warrantee, guaranteed party
afianzadora surety, surety company
afinaciones al sistema tanto laborales como patronales suit the system or method for both labour and management.
Afinidades Affinities
aflojarse la pasta if money isn\'t loosened up
aforo (Mexico) haircut
afrontado confronted
AG N° Branch Number (No.)
agencia de promoción de inversiones investment promotion agency
agencia solidaria partner agency
agencias y direcciones de sindicaciones leading and arranging syndications
Agente de Custodia de Productos de Inversión Colectiva Escrow Agent for Collective Investment Institutions
Agente de Depósito Colectivo Depository Agent
AGENTE DE NEGOCIACION INTEGRAL comprehensive trading agent
agente estructurador Structuring Agent
agentes económicos economic agents
Agilidad en el desembolso quickness/flexibility/ regarding disbursements
Agilizadores Electrónicos ATM or Automatic Teller Machines
agresiones aggressive executions / aggressive orders
Entered by: William Pairman
agrofinanzas Agrofinance / Agriculture Finance
Agrupación de productos de pasivo pooling of liabilities
AHO / CTE Savings account / Current account
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