The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ધંધો / વાણિજ્ય (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
AFP Administradora Privada de Fondos de Pensiones - AFP (Pension Fund Administrator)
AGC Ordinary General Meeting
agenciadora de carga shipping company/agency
agencias de cobranza collection agencies
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Agenda a Tratar agenda
Agenda de acompañantes Companion program
Entered by: Roberto Rey
Agenda resumen del comité Summary of the Committee Agenda
Agende este encuentro! Mark your calendar! / Mark the date! / Save the date!
Entered by: Melissa Mann
Agente Comercial introducido (Commercial /Sales) Agent with a portfolio of clients/customers
agente de interés stakeholder
agente de retención del IGV General Sales Tax withholding agent
agente economico economic agent
agente social the recognised trade unions and employers' organisations // (EU) social partners
agentes comerciales sales reps
agentes de comercio independiente independent sales agent/representative
agentes personas fí­sicas / agentes personas morales individual agents / corporate agents
agilidad de pago payment readiness/payment turnaround time
agilizar el proceso de iniciación de la relación simple procedure to set up business relationships
agilizar los trámites to expedite the procedures
aglutinar align
Entered by: EirTranslations
agradeceremos gestionar we would be grateful if you... supplied/delivered the following documents
agradecimiento y beneplácito por los años de relación comercial gratitude and appreciation for...
agravarse frente may become aggravated
agregación de la demanda aggregation of demand
agremiación (trade association) affiliation
Agrupación Adjudicataria Group making the winning bid
Agrupación Temporal de Empresas temporary consortium / joint venture
agrupar consolidation
ajenidad dealing with another’s affairs
ajeno a ello not immune to it/them
ajustes por pérdidas y reclamos allocated and unallocated expenses due to losses and claim adjustments
al amparo del SPA Sales and Purchase Agreement
al apetito al riesgo aprovado the approved appetite for risk
al canal y a la industria publicitaria en cuanto tal to (specific) channels and to the advertising industry as a whole
al entrar en el ejercicio upon taking office // upon assuming their duties / responsibilities
al mejor esfuerzo to make the most of/get the best out of
Entered by: Edward Tully
al momento de su retiro at the time he was laid off
al presente escrito enclosed with this letter/document
al que nombra who he appoints
al que se debe por ley de creación territory to which it has a duty through the act of incorporation
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