The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ધંધો / વાણિજ્ય (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
al ser su modalidad de contratación principalmente “lump sum” as (hirings) mainly involve lump-sum payments
al servicio de la difusión de la cultura. encouraging (or serving) the spread of culture
al uso standard/typical/everyday
alambre recocido annealed wire
Albarán de entrada/salida Delivery(Shipping)/Receiving Slip
Alcance al response to / further to / with reference to
alcance general para la empresa provides general guidelines for the company
alegaciones realizadas proposal submitted
alguno de sus roles exclusivo de la función Compradora with functions exclusive of/outside of the function of Buyer
alianza estrategica strategic alliance
Alimentos El Faro, C.A. Alimentos El Faro, C.A. "Compañía Anónima"
alinearse a comply with
almacén regulador buffer warehouse
almacenista/mayorista warehouser/wholesaler
Entered by: Rebecca Jowers
almonedas vendue, auction, bargain sale
Entered by: Veronica Munoz
alquiler de activos leasing of assets, asset leasing
alquileres de inmuebles de su propiedad rental (income) from owned property
alta de solicitantes accounts opened for parties requesting goods
Entered by: patinba
alta de usuario user registration
ALTA DEL SERVICIO /DEVENGO service signup fees/income/accrual from service signup fees
Alta del trabajador date the employee registered at the Social Security
alta disponibilidad high availability
Alta Gerencia Senior Management
Entered by: SandraV
alta rápida de actividades rapid incorporation of activities
altas de I.A.E. Business activity tax registration
Entered by: Amy Billing
Altas de Personal Hiring new staff
altas dimensiones (highly) developed
Entered by: David Ronder
Alto y Bajo hi-low
amadrinamiento patronage
amante y promotora lover and promoter (sponsor)
amas de casa housewives / homemakers
Entered by: Joseph Tein
amén de incrementar los recursos de sus arcas fiscales in addition to increasing its tax revenue
ambiente de cambio environment of change
ambito laboral work environment
ambito laboral///// lineamientos del negocio/////seleccion de personal working environment // business guidelines /// staff / personnel selection
Amortización de acciones redemption of shares
amortización de la compra amortization of purchase
amortización del principal (re)payment
amortizaciones (en plural) [operating margin before] depreciation and amortization
amortizaciones vencidas delinquent payments
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