The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ધંધો / વાણિજ્ય (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
y sin más demora are a quick and hassle-free/painless
"....por fi marame tambien lo que hablamos de la lic. de justcgm para el ploteo" also send me
"a través de él" through it
"activos de corto plazo" short term or current assets
"Banco Continental MN" / "Scotiabank ME" Banco Continental (National Currency)/Scotiabank (Foreign Currency)
"Deudores por Venta" y "Deudores Varios" Sales Debtors - Miscellaneous Debtors
"DIFERENCIAS EN INVENTARIOS PARA PROVISION DE IMPORTACIONES" Stock/Inventory discrepancies in imported goods/imports
"ejes de..." depends on the context
"Facturación por segmento horizontal" horizontal segmentation
"flujear" roll into a cash flow/cash-in/budget
Entered by: Miguel Fuentes
"ha diferido" has deferred
"isla" "island"
"madurando mi perfil profesional" to continue enhancing my professional profile
"mal menor" de la recompra frente al "mal menor" the "lesser evil" of repurchasing as opposed to the "greater evil"
"MM" (millones o mil millones) millones
"No hemos realizado ninguna modificación sustancial sino únicamente algunas matizaciones sobre determinados puntos del contrato. "We have performed no substantial amendments to this agreeement, merely some clarifications of a number of specific points of th
"Nos volcamos" en entender su negocio We take pains to understand/we make an effort to understand your business
Entered by: Edward Tully
"recorrer un camino exitoso hacia.." to follow a successful path towards..
"registro de provisiones" register of allocations
Entered by: Edward Tully
"repuestos de fundición" foundry/casting spare parts
"requeria" requirements / what is required/needed
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
"revestimiento de obras" resurfacing | revestment | covering | repair - of areas worked
"se servirán mandar a pagar" por esta letra de cambio will arrange for payment of this bill of exchange
"Servicios de Actualizacion" de Diseno de Billetes "Update Services" for Banknote Design
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
"tenemos corresponsales en todo el mundo" associates all over the world
% sobre ingresos % return on revenue
(a nivel de) posicion in terms of position/location/status
(Asumir la) representación externa del comité Act as the committee's external representative (varias opciones)
(Auditores) E.U. Empresa Unipersonal (E.U.) / Sole proprietor
(capacidad) elicitora elicitor capacity
Entered by: Justin Peterson
(comprados en) condición de riesgo under open risk conditions/ with no guarantee
(datos) contrastados e integrados reliable and relevant
(destinados a cubrir sus) necesidades de precio y cercanía (and are designed to meet their) need for competitive pricing and convenient locations
(discusión abierta y) propositiva open and proactive discussion
Entered by: liz askew
(FCI) pendiente de liquidar pending payment
(firma biométrica) con trazo dynamic biometric signature
(inicia operaciones) con capital cien por ciento venezolano funded (or financed) entirely with Venezuelan capital
(la nueva oficina) opera (the new office) has been open
(las cargas sociales son pagadas al) ENTE RECAUDADOR (social charges are paid to the) COLLECTING AGENCY
(las empresas) se mantienen remain stable
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