The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ધંધો / વાણિજ્ય (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
tiro (in this context) length and breadth
titulado mercantil colegiado holder of a business/mercantile degree and member of the bar..
Titular / Representante Owner/representative
Titular de derecho afectado affected holder of the right
titular de familia head of family/ head of household
Entered by: Simon Bruni
Titular de la notaría número 5 Holder of notarial office Number 5
Entered by: AllegroTrans
titular marcario trademark proprietor
Titulares de una actividad Business owners
titulares vecinos local members
Titulo Septimo de la Memoria, Balance y Distribucion de Utilidades Title/Article Seven of the Annual Report and Distribution of Profits
titulos seriales securities issued in series
titulos y valores mobiliarios marketable/negotiable securities
TNO (or: \\\"PRIMO SABADO -- TNO DIS\\\") Saturday Bonus – Mixed Shift
toda obligacion de hacer a cargo del aportante all specific performance obligations shall be borne by the incoming partner
todo ello en las condiciones y términos que se dirán all of which will be carried out under terms and conditions described hereunder
todos los estamentos profesionales all the professional staff
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
todos los miembros son designados honorificamente in an honorary capacity...
tolerancias tolerances, margins, limits
toma de razón give evidence of
toma y reserva de la producción (kilos y cantidad de bultos) capture and booking of output (kilos and amount in bulk)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
tomaduria de tiempo timekeeping
tomar el pulso "gauge the pulse (of the sector)"
Entered by: eski
tomar nota de so that a record can be kept
Entered by: patinba
tomará más conciencia de la "nobleza" de su misión will get a better notion of the prestigious nature of his role
tomarse como propio take as given/take for granted
topes de acumulación accumulation ceiling
torneados turnings
Entered by: Sabrina Ciserchia
torre de secado spray spray drying tower
Totaler Totaler
totalidad de su participación propietaria their whole shareholding/share ownership
Totalidad del contrato entirety of contract
tpv pos
TPV--terminal punto de venta POS -- Point of Sale Terminal
Trabajamos día a día para que se rentabilice tu inversión Every day, we work to make your money/investment grow
Trabajamos por y para la gente We work for and on behalf of our customers
trabajar en ornato y mantenimiento en el CER A SIN/BONIFICACION ... perform uncompensated cleaning and maintenance work at Gimnasio CER A
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
trabajará 10 dias de los compensatorios por festivos... will work full time ten of his aportioned vacation days/holidays...
trabajo por objetivos work by objectives
trabajo progresivo ongoing task
trabajos de investigación en los objetos propios de research work related to security
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