The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી એરોસ્પેસ/ ઉડ્ડયન/ અવકાશ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
Arranque y Corrida de motor engine start/engine run-up
Asegurar y preservar el cumplimiento de las normas aéreas to enforce and maintain compliance with the laws pertaining to air space
asesoramiento en ruta En Route Flight Advisory
asistencia en tierra (aeropuerto) (airport) ground support
atrícola agricultural works
autoasistencia self-handling / self-assistence / ?
Entered by: Berni Armstrong
aviation weather observations observaciones metereológicas para la aviación
avión en vuelo aircraft in flight
área caracterizada por su morfología aluvional (terreno fangoso) area characterized by its alluvial morphology
área terminal terminal area
Bahías de Contención-Apartaderos de Espera holding bays - waiting areas
Entered by: Patricia Gutierrez
bajo guarda shielded
Entered by: patinba
bajo la modalidad de fletamento under charter mode
bajo Registro del País the aircraft is registered to operate in the country ...
banda de equipajes baggage conveyor
Bandas de rodadura tipo oruga carterpillar tread
barrera de frenado arresting gear
Batería Central lado Abonado (BCA) OR Batería Central lado Central (BCC) Subscriber side Central Battery - Exchange side Central Battery
billete en viaje vacacional y destacamento holiday tickets and transfer/mobility (provisions/costs)
billetes ya emitidos por el sistema y registrados en la liquidación. tickets already issued by the system and registered in the reconciliation statement
blancos de apertura opening blanks
bodega cargo hold
Bomba diesel-powered 40kW self-priming low-pressure clean-water pump
bordones rib reinforcement plates
bornas de tipo resorte o cepo spring- or clamp-type terminals
caballete trestle
cabecera instrumental instrument threshold
cabina de transformación electrical substation
Entered by: Andrew Cox
Cabina de Vidrio glass booth
cada período de FBT o simulador incorpora un briefing every fixed-based trainer (FBT) or simulator session includes a briefing
caja combinadora combiner gearbox
calles de rodaje taxiways
Entered by: Patricia Gutierrez
Calles de salida rápida rapid exit taxiways
Entered by: Patricia Gutierrez
calzos de llegada/salida chocks-on/chocks-off times
cambio de paso pitch change
campo de vuelos aircraft manoeuvring area
capa de rodamiento runway
capacidad y especialización técnicas acreditadas accredited technical capacity and expertise
carena fairing
carena Karman Karman nose cone
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