The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી એરોસ્પેસ/ ઉડ્ડયન/ અવકાશ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
aceleración-desaceleración de arriba hacia abajo top acceleration coupled with bottom deceleration
Aeronavegantes crew members
oído de aspiración suction vent
"...ese si lo agarró la VMC completa" "...the speed of his aircraft got well below VMC"
"entradas de lanzamiento" bombing runs
"had destripado el futuro" disentangled / untangled / unraveled the future (future's growth strategy / expansion)
(Edn. S.A.N.T.) Squadron of Strategy Unmanned Aircraft System
(motor) desembanderador unfeathering (motor)
2/o. ELN. MANTO. Segundo (2/o.) Escalón de Mantenimiento) > 2nd Maintenance Step
4.000 de 54.000 libras 54,000-pound thrust PW 4000 engine
a mayor angulo the greater the angle / the greater the pitch
actividad de trabajo aéreo aerial work activity
Entered by: Ruth Ramsey
Acuerdo Marco de Contratación (AMC) Procurement Framework Agreement (PFA)
ADF (en este contexto) Federal District Airport
adoptando la forma de perfil sustentador/destinados a la sustentación See explanation
AERODINO heavier than air aircraft/aerodyne
Aeronave a reaccion versus turbohelice jet aircraft / turboprop
aeronave exceptuada Negative RVSM aircraft
aeronave mixta combi
aeronavegabilidad airworthiness
aeroparque domestic airport
aeroplanta aircraft maintenance and service facility
Entered by: wendy griswold
Aeroterrestre Air/ground
aerovan light cargo craft
afección leave it out
aforador / mazo flowmeter / bundle (elec. eng.)
airbag de la familia 320 (referring to the aviation field) Airbus 320 series/family
Aircraft rating Habilitación de aeronave
aircraft, rocket and gas turbine engines motores para aeronaves, cohetes y turbinas a gas
alrededor de (o apoyada en) el concepto de capacidades connected to (or supported by) the concept of capacities
Entered by: Edward Tully
alta matricula issue of registration
Entered by: patinba
análisis de perturbaciones (espacio, astronomía) perturbation analysis (space, astronomy)
andén de decomiso /revisión confiscation/revision platform
angular de suelo ground strut/brace
Apartadero de espera Holding area
aplicación implementation
Aplicar aire ó agua pulverizada. Apply air or water fog
aplique un torque de 9.7 a 10.7 m.dan (71.53 a 78.90 Ib ft) segun manual X apply a torque of 9.7 to 10.7 m.daN (71.53 a 78.90 Ib ft)
Entered by: two2tango
apriete torcométrico torque tightening
armado de motor arming the engine / arming the motor
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