The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

પોર્ચુગિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી ખેતીવાડી Translation Glossary

પોર્ચુગિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
pré-filoxera pre-phylloxera
Entered by: liz askew
próximas, justapostas ou sobrepostas nearby, adjacent or overlapping
preparo case preparation allowance
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
PRIRE (mecanico de) Prairie mechanic
produção agro-alimentar agri-food production
produtos ensacados e a granel bagged and bulk products
produtos via folha products applied to the leaves to control the diseases
pronunciamento approval
propiciar enhance
proteinados proteinated minerals/mineral proteinates (for the livestock)
psilídeo Diaphorina citri psyllid (jumping plant louse), Diaphorina citri
Pulgão-da-espiga Grain aphid
pulgão-da-folha Rose-grain aphid
Pulgão-das-inflorescências Aphis gossypii - melon aphid or cotton aphid
pulverizador automotrizado self-propelled sprayer
Entered by: Matheus Chaud
quebra de dormência to break the seed dormancy of...
queimadas burning
quelatizante chelating
quirera broken rice
quociente heliopluviométrico de maturação sun-rainfall ripening rate
rabeta sterndrive (engine)
rally de regularidade "regularity rally"
ramar for the (beans) foliage to branch out
ramoneio browsing
rasa basket (for açai)
raspadeira agrícola agricultural scraper
Reboque 4 rodas 4-wheel trailer
Reboque graneleiro grain trailer
Rebrote resprout
Entered by: Mario Freitas
reemblocamento restacking up, repiling up (the coffee sacks) in blocks, restacking
relogio noturno irrigation controller/timer
retiro facility
Retiro Retreat
Entered by: judith ryan
Roçadeira de arrasto rotary cutter
roçado family (OR small scale) agriculture/farming
Rolamento do mancal inferior lower bearing device
rosca varredora sweeping auger
roteirização routing
RTVs Technical Sales Representative
saca-palha straw blower
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