The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી તબીબી : આરોગ્ય સંભાળ Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter scientist
WKD-ARZT medical doctor of the economic control service
wobei das Versorgungsgebiet klein gewesen sein dürfte whereby the area/territory supplied must have been small
Wochenpflege puerperal care, post partum care
Wohnbereichsleitung management of residential quarters
Wundversorgung wound treatment
Wunschleistung personal request/requested service
z (vs. RW) z score
zahnsubstanzschonende dental treatment aimed at the preservation of teeth
Zökalpol cecal pole
zelluläre Hämoxygenase cellular heme oxygenase
Zentral-OP Zentrale OP-Abteilung - Main/central surgical ward
Entered by: Elizabeth Niklewska
Zentrums-Hämodialyse vs. Zentrumsdialyse in-center (hemo)dialysis
Zersplitterung der Zuständigkeiten fragmentation of responsibilities
Zervixinsuffizienz cervical incompetence / insufficiency
Ziel- und Wirkorgan Target and effector organ
Ziffer 5298 Section 5298 of the Doctors' Fees Ordinance
Entered by: Susan Madden
Zirkumferenz circumduction
Entered by: Bettina Grieser Johns
Zufallsziehung randomization/randomized allocation
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Zulassungspflicht approval requirement
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Zulassungstudie pivotal study
zur Zeit nicht für ungeeignet erklärt not declared ineligible
zurückfedern spring back
zuweisender Arzt referring physician
Zuweisungsklinik referral hospital / centre
Entered by: Martina Kilgo
Zuzahlungssysteme systems based on patient contributions
zwangsuntergebracht committed (to hospital)
Zwerchfellhochstand diaphragmatic elevation
Zwerchfellhochstand re. Bifokales Sondenkabel unauffällig diaphragmatic elevation
Entered by: Manuela Junghans
Zwerhfellhochstand. Unscharfe Abgrenzbarkeit des re. Elevated diaphragm. Ill definded right sinus indicating...
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