The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી તબીબી : આરોગ્ય સંભાળ Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
status migränosus Status migrainosus
Stauungspapille papilloedema
Steckbeckenspülapparat bed-pan flusher
Steig. (Steigerung) factor
Steigerungssätze multiplying factor
stellt sich sehr flau dar is barely visible
Stellvertretender Schwerpunktleiter der AG Kardiovaskuläre Radiologie Deputy Head of the Cardiovascular Radiology Research Group
Stellvertreter Substitute (client\'s proposal)
Entered by: Peter Adolph
Sterbebegleitung spiritual care for the dying
Sterbezimmer palliative (care) room
stichwortartige Angaben zur Betroffenheit summarizing the relevant details of the case
Stillvorgang: Voll gestillt Breastfeeding:fully breastfed
Stirnast Frontal branch
Stoßwinkel corner guard
Strahl ray
Stromaschwellung stromal swelling
Strudelbad whirlpool bath
strukturelle Versorgungsbereiche administrative health care sectors
Strukturqualität Structural quality
studentischer Untersuchungskurs Pädiatrie (university) course in pediatric examination
Studientagen seminar(s)
Stuhlregulierung regulation of bowel movements
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Stummelförmige nach medial gerichtete Kontrastierung Incomplete, medially oriented contrast in the arteria femoralis communis
SUB subcategory
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
Subarachnoidalblutung subarachnoid hemorrhage
subdurales Hämatom subdural hematoma
subpectoral liegen placed in a partially subpectoral position
subseroes subserous
Sulcus suprapatellaris suprapatellar sulcus
Supraspinatussehnentest supraspinatus tendon test
szenisch dargestellt shows scenes
tagtrennung Day split
Entered by: Luiza Jewitt
TD Tagdienst
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
Teilgebietsbezeichnung subspecialty
Entered by: David Tracey, PhD
teilstationäre Behandlung partial hospitalization
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Termin zur KVS appointment for cancer screening test
Testierfähigkeit testamentary capacity
Tetrasymptomatik tetraparesis, quadriparesis
text. Gestalten textile art/design
Entered by: Edith Kelly
tfg. deep-frozen
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
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