The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી સરકાર / રાજકારણ Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
Umkehr zum Glauben re-embracing/embracing/rediscovering
Umweltbeirat Environmental Advisory Council
unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge unaccompanied refugee minors
unter dem strudelnden Bach der Ereignisse liegenden Felsbrocken bewusst to see the rocks in the raging river
unterfallen keinem gesonderten Rechtsregime are not subject to any separate legislation
Unterzeichnungsabkommen Protocol of Signature
Entered by: Charles Stanford
völkerrechtliche Bindungsfreiheit sovereignty under international law
Veranstaltungen außerhalb unseres Hauses external events
Verantwortungselite decision-makers
Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung Associated community administration
Verbleibsquote integration quota
Entered by: Stefanie Sendelbach
Vereinnahmung appropriation
Vereinnahmung co-opted/assimilated (in this context)
Verfahrenshoheit procedural sovereignty
Verfasstheit innate character
Verfügungsberechtigte authorised / entitled to dispose /devise
vergemeinschaften communitarize (vb) or communitarization (noun)
Verpflichtungskredit credit commitment
Entered by: monbuckland
Verrechnungspost offsetting item; clearing item
Verschlussordnung regulations governing classified information
Verstetigung stabilisation
Verteilungskämpfe disputes over the allocation/ struggles over resources
Vertretung replacement / substitute employee
Verwalter der Domäne L'administrateur des domaines
Verwaltungsbetrieb public service delivery approaches
Verwaltungsdienst civil service
Verwaltungsebene levels of administrative hierarchy
Verwaltungshandeln administrative activity/actions
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Verwendungserklärung declaration of use
Entered by: Carolyn Brice
Verwendungszwang compulsory use
Verzahnung intermeshing, dovetailing
Vfg (abbreviation) Verfügung = decree, order, ordinance
Entered by: Christine Slattery
viele altgediente Sozilisten many long-serving socialists
Vollkaskovertrag no-fault contract
Entered by: Patricia Will
vom Souverän by the people/electorate
Von Bill Clinton ganz zu schweigen Not to mention Bill Clinton...
Vorblatt introduction
Vorderfrau, Europa auf - bringen The first lady for a better Europe/Follow her lead for a better Europe
Vorgaben provisions/requirements
Entered by: Robert Kleemaier
Vorgeschichte developments that led (up) to / (preceded) the theory of knowledge/ what went (came) before
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