The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી સરકાર / રાજકારણ Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
schaumschlägerisch blustering
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Schleuser human traffickers
Schurkenstaat rogue nation, rogue state
schwarz-rote Bundesregierung Grand Coalition of the conservative CDU/CSU and the Social Democrats (SPD)
Schwellenländer emerging countries
Schwerpunkt / Unterschwerpunkt priority / Sub-priority
Entered by: Stefanie Sendelbach
Schwerpunktprogramme priority programmes
Entered by: Olaf Reibedanz
Schwerpunktstrategie und/oder Querschnittsthemen priority strategy and/or interdisciplinary topics
Schwiegertiger mother-in-law from hell
Sehr geehrter Herr Botschafter Your Excellency
Sektorenrichtlinie sectoral directive
Selbstauflösung des Bundestags self-dissolution of the Bundestag
Selbstvergewisserung ascertain / assess / ensure
Senatsrat Senate Councillor
Senatsschulverwaltung School Authorities of the City of Berlin
Entered by: Edith Kelly
sich ergeben will – it is assumed – be the automatic consequence
sich zu Wort melden to speak out
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Signaturkarte electronic signature (card)
Entered by: Peter Zauner
sinnesbehindert impairement of/impaired senses
Entered by: Carolyn Brice
Sinnfragen existential questions
sinnstiftend meaningful
so eminent wichtige Zeit in this extremely important time
Entered by: Carolyn Brice
so entsteht und wächst Verständigung this promotes and nurtures understanding
Sofort-Investitionsprogramm immediate investment program
Sog in die Konkretisierungsfalle the pull (pulled) into the trap of concretization
Solidargemeinschaft (EU) (EU) principle of mutual solidarity (of member states)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
sozialpolitische Leistungen social benefits
Sozialreferat Social Welfare Office / Office of Social Affairs
Sozialsprecher speaker for social affairs
Sozialsystem social welfare system
Spaßpartei joke party
Spezialvermögen Special assets
Spiegelausschuss mirror committee
Spiegeldifferenzen differences in mirror statistics
Sprechzettel speaker's notes
Staaten- und Gesellschaftswelt spheres of states and (civil) societies
staatliche Ordnung (system of) state government
staatlicher Allmacht a critic/opponent of overweening state power
staatliches Gewaltmonopol state monopoly on the legitimate use of force
Staats- und Senatskanzleien der Länder State and Senate Chancellories
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