The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી વહાણ, સૈલિંગ,દરિયાઇ Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
engins de poulierie tackle
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
"satellite" informatique computer station
......sur les extrémités surbaissées des hiloires. on the flat surface of the rail.
3,4 nd portant au 90 3.4 kn. dir 90 deg
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
500 tonnes Washington 500 tons surfaced
accastilleur ship chandler
accéder aux péages to gain access to tolls
accrochage de potences fixing jibs
accrovoile \"mast climbing\"
aiguilles pins
aileron d\'échouage grounding skeg
aisance ease of fit
alvéole pen
amene a (probably typo for chantier réparateur,) brought or attributed to the repair shipyard
amodiation rented mooring
angle en carreau à congé corner angle tile with sanitary cove
anneau sanglé d'écoute webbing-reinforced clew ring
appendices appendages
armateur gérant Commercial Vessel Operator and ship-owner / ship-owner and shore-based manager
armateurs fluviaux boat owners
armement de navires management/running of ships / shipping company / shipowner
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
Arrêt de la facture Closing amount of invoice
arrêts-buffets the boat judders to a halt when it slams into each wave
atèle hélitreuillable helicopter strop
au neuvage Sea trials
autorisation de naviguer cruising permit
avaler des paquets de mer the pirogue takes in (loads of) seawater
avoir fait expertiser au sec having done an out-of-water survey
axe de barre steering wheel shaft
à cerf-volant autostable self-stabilizing kite sail
à contre-courant against the current or upstream
à l'est toute ! Steer due East
à perimètre de substances prohibées constant but still keeping within the same limits for banned substances
à sec to take out of the water
à terre ashore [as distinct from 'at sea']
Entered by: Tony M
écarts latéraux vertical scarf (joints)
échantillonnage scantling
épis breakwater / groyne / groin / spur dyke
Entered by: Tony M
étrave couteau plumb / straight / vertical bow
Entered by: Tony M
études d’agitation study of wave agitation
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