Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters CBTI-BKVT

Name Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters
Abbreviation CBTI-BKVT
Organization Type Association
Contact Phone +32 2 513 09 15
Address Rue Montoyerstraat 24 - b12
City 1000 Brussels
Country બેલ્જીયમ
Description The Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters (CBTI-BKVT) is a non-profit organisation set up in Brussels on 16 April, 1955. In Belgium, the CBTI-BKVT works for the professions of translator and interpreter and for the recognition of the specific expertise these require. It seeks to sensitize providers and users of the translation and interpretation professions about the importance of quality and responsibility. On 23 May 2006, the title of Royal Association was bestowed on the CBTI-BKVT.
Admission Criteria Has admission criteria." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">
Training Offers training.

Conferences and study days: they enable our members to follow the developments of our profession. Study themes already treated: commercial and financial sides of our profession, the new technologies useful for translators, the CBTI-BKVT 50th anniversary, the forthcoming law applicable to sworn translators, ethics in our profession, translating for doctors and their patients, working in partnership, Interact. J. – an intensive training course for interpreters in the judiciary -, Best Practices in Revision etc. These events are also open to non-members.

Mini-training courses and workshops: they are organised by one of our members or by a guest speaker specialized in the topic to be dealt with; these workshops aim at cascading the expertise that we have acquired over the years to colleagues. study themes already treated: translation memories, e-mail, OCR and scanner, macros, internet, ergonomics, spelling reform, how to sell yourself as a translator etc.
Credential Does not offer credential(s).

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