The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી અશિષ્ટ ભાષા Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
reunion de solas y solos singles meeting
risita de conejo: "dijo la senorita con risita de conejo" with a mean giggle
rollo chino a bit like in Chinese shops
roquillo getting up in years
sabes que no estoy acos tunbrada you know I'm not used to talking to strangers
sacarse clavos revenge / getting one's own back / getting even
salir de la olla to do more than just survive/not be broke
salir por la culata (it) backfires
salirse, ir para afuera to back out, to go outside
sanata A cock and bull story
sì o sì no matter what
se cocinó was brewed/was brewed up
se la rajaron la madre to beat the crap out of
se las fue a tirar He went off to throw them
Entered by: liz askew
se le cayeron las carnes her boobs/butt/body is heading south
se me soltó la mitad de mi cuerpo half of my body went limp
se porta conmigo como la gente now she treats me like she's supposed to
seguido frequently / very often
Sello con datos stamp that contains the following data
ser pinchada to be conceited
Entered by: Amy Billing
ser un caso serio to be a lost cause
serecia marihuana
si no sabes que pedo en la fuente you don´t even know what´s going on ...
siempre al derecho, nunca al reves as I am, and never tried to be anyone else
soñarle a alguien (Colombia: coloquial) to mistreat someone
sobar bien suck nicely/well
Entered by: Sergio Kot
sofoco hot flash
sopla (soplador, soplete) welding torch
soy algo payasa, no graciosilla... I'm a bit of a joker but not a clown
su corte estaba mojado con her slit was wet with
Suco poor
tablapenal rap sheet
Entered by: Elizabeth Novesky
tachas eccies / E's / XTC, etc...
talacha work, chores
tarilo (regionalismo cántabro de la Vega de Pas) dumb, fool, idiot.
te meten (UI) del machete stick it to you; knife you
te puedes pegar muchos golpes you can drive yourself insane/mad
Entered by: Edward Tully
Te veo desesperadito mi hijo, esperando que cayera el trabajito rico. Una vez yo You look so desperate to me my son, waiting for the lottery to do your work...
Entered by: Edward Tully
Tener dedos para el piano To be a natural
Entered by: Edward Tully
tener la ultima palabra have the last word
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