The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ખાણકામ & ખનીજ / રત્નો Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
el cual se realizará [leave it out]
el material se sirve micronizado material is micronized
El Ministerio de Energía y Minas (MEM) y Gas Natural Ministry of Energy and Mines
el raspado y enterrado de toda la tierra... scraping up the liquid oil from the surface... then burying the remaining (oil-soaked) soil
electro-obtención electro-winning / electrowinning
embarco y desembarco loading and offloading | loading and unloading
embatado wavy shaping
empape moisture
Entered by: BristolTEc
emulsion encartuchada emulsion explosive cartridge
en beneficio del oro extraction/recovery of gold
En cada golpe que la perforadora da al barreno As the drill bit rotates and hits the ground
en forma de neblina fog spray
en tope de silo under conditions of maximum payload / with a full payload / assuming a full payload
encadenamiento productivo integrated production
encampane overburden
encapsulados capsule
encrochado connected; engaged
engastador artesano (specialist) Jewellery Setter
ensayos de lixiviación del niquel contenido en las serpentinas leach(ing) tests of nickel contained in the serpentine ores
ensayos mineralurgicos mineralurgic tests
entendimiento commitment (in this case)
entibadores timbermen
Entrega del terreno site handback
Entered by: patinba
envolvente envelope
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
envolvente/envolvente de rajo excavation casing/sheathing
epectrofometría spectrophotometry
escollera de mortero cement breakwater
escoria scoria, slag, scum, dross (of molten metal)
escoriales slag heap(s)
esfalerita sphalerite
esfuerzo regulable de prensado (ascendente) adjustable pressing stress (upwards)
Entered by: Laura Gómez
especialista en diamante y gema de color natural, tratada y sintética specialist in diamond and naturally coloured gems, both treated and synthetic
Entered by: EirTranslations
Especie sulfurada sulfur species
Espesadores thickeners
espesamiento thickening
espesamiento de colas thickening of tails (or tails thickening)
espesor del grosor de levantamiento Lift thickness
establecimiento de beneficio (minero) ore/mineral processing plant
estacionamiento y vías parking spaces and roads
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