The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી તબીબી : હ્રદયશાસ્ત્ર Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
tumoración intracardiaca intra-cardiac tumour
tunelizando la desembocadura a channel is created from the opening/mouth [ of the left superior vena cava to the right atrium...]
Entered by: liz askew
UE ventricular y auricular correctos ventricular and atrial stimulation / pacing thresholds satisfactory
un A.F. Acortamiento Fraccional = Fractional Shortening
un bolo de LEV bolus of IV fluids
Entered by: Michael Meskers
un cuadro septico septic symptoms
Entered by: Anne Grimes
una TV, que cardiovierte, pasando a FV. VT, which was cardioverted, progressing to VF.
unión vertebrobasilar vertebrobasilar union
Entered by: Paola Giardina
unidad de dolor torácico (UDT) Chest pain units (CPUs)
Entered by: Ramon Armora
V.F.AO. (m/seg) Aortic flow velocity (m/seg)
valores (en este contexto) Values
valvas NC y CD non-coronary and right coronary cusps
Entered by: Michael Meskers
valvulopatia mitral mitral valve disease
Entered by: Joseph Tein
VAo sin grad significativo Válvula aórtica sin grado significativo / non-disfunctional Aortic valve
vasoplejía vasoplegia [syndrome]
Válvulas s/p Valves: No findings / No abnormalities
vía contralateral de árbol coronario izquierdo via the collateral artery of the left main coronary artery
Entered by: Michael Meskers
vía venosa periférica retirándose esta peripheral venous access
VB / vrg. verbigracia
vegetatis,o autonomic manifestations / autonomic signs and symptoms
velo coronario coronary cusp
VI LV (left ventricule)
via anomala anomalous pathway
Vm con IM I-III/IV Normal mitral valve appearance with mitral insufficiency, grade I-II/IV
Volumen latido stroke volume
Entered by: liz askew
VPM posterior leaflet of the mitral valve
VS-diagonal saphenous vein [graft] - diagonal branch
Entered by: liz askew
Entered by: liz askew
Entered by: sandra carrazzoni
VTDBP biplane EDV
Entered by: David Russell
ZEI zona eléctricamente inactivable
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