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સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી સરકાર / રાજકારણ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
protagonistas perredistas PRD protagonists
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Protectorado Foundations Commission
protesta ciudadana public protests
Provisión de Puestos Filling of posts/positions
proyectar planning
proyecto a precio alzado y tiempo determinado lump sum fixed term project
proyecto de intervención integral comprehensive intervention project
proyecto de ley de anticipo nacional reintegrable bill for a national refundable levy
Entered by: patinba
proyecto de orden draft order
Proyecto de país plan for the country
Entered by: patinba
proyecto no de Ley resolution
proyectos de disposiciones legislativas y administrativas proposals for legislative and administrative provisions
Prueba preconstituida documentary evidence.
publicó oligarquía chilena estaba sembrando cizaña published that ... the Chilean oligarchy was causing trouble / sewing discord / creating a rift
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
publicidad formal Official disclosure
Entered by: Justin Peterson
pues no hay jerarquías de sufrimiento as there is no hierarchy of suffering
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
puestas de manifiesto statements/declarations
puestos (no) enganchados unfilled/vacant positions
puestos de elección popular popular election posts
puntero point man
Entered by: Marcelo González
Punto de Acuerdo (paliamentary jargon in Mexico) Sense of the House or Senate
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
punto de culminación completion point / culmination phase
Entered by: Jessica Klingberg
punto de inflexión (in this context) turning point
punto focal point person(s)
puntos a aplicar para subjects/issues/items to be included in...
puntual y de variabilidad Precise and variable
pupilos (Chile) wards (charges); (RPl) boarders, boarding students
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
que actúan de una manera más lesiva para los intereses árabes that act in a way/manner that is more detrimental/damaging to Arab interests
que adolece del optimismo lacks the optimism of...
que baraja en which puts the number of vacant apartments nationwide at about 1,500
que este formato se repita will follow their lead / will follow suit
que hemos dado en llamar which/that we have come to know as
que impuso la activación del cargo that imposed the creation of the post
Entered by: Edward Tully
que la justicia deambula dando golpes de bastón desde su simbolismo de mujer con los ojos tapados which makes our version of "blind justice" more akin to a sightless old woman fumbling about with her cane
que les correspondan (positions) that are their responsibility; (positions) that are incumbent upon them
que los colocaban en la cima de los afortunados del mundo which placed them among the world's most fortunate people
Entered by: Marcelo González
que medie autorización (or) authorization is allowed (by the commission)
que puntean el impacto del proyecto to pinpoint
que reposan en nuestros archivos in our files
que se declarara al pleno en sala ilustrada that he address (the quorum) of illustrious members of congress
Entered by: Marcelo González
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