The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ભૂસ્તરશાસ્ત્ર Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
que forman lazos cimoides abiertos y cerrados which form open and closed cymoid loops
Entered by: Kathryn Litherland
que limitaban that delimited
Entered by: Steven Huddleston
que podriamos postular como alineamiento mayor del borde occidental that we could call the largest alignment [of arrays] on the western side/border
Entered by: liz askew
que responden a una naturaleza andesitica de textura faneritica gris-clara. which are a pale grey, faneritic and andesitic.
que se presenta a manera de grandes lentes que se siguen, a travez de cientos de that looks like large lenses that follow on/continue for hundreds of metres
Entered by: liz askew
quebradas aluviales alluvial gully
raña glacis with stones o fanglomerate
rañas fanglomerate / glacis with stones / raña
Entered by: Justin Peterson
radiolarios radiolaria
Entered by: Steven Huddleston
rasa mareal tidal platform
razon de ser de la zona de mayor subsidencia which is / due to it being the area of greatest / highest subsidence
réplica aftershock
realizar levantamiento topografico con curvas cada 2 metros carry out topographic survey with contour levels/lines every 2 mt
recarbonatación y decarbonatación decarbonation and recarbonation
Recarga hídrica Groundwater recharge (etc.)
rechazo de una falla geologica offset / displacement of a geological fault
Recientes recent
reconociendose su trazo aproximadamente a la altura de ...and its features can be recognized at the latitude of the/on a level with......ravine
Entered by: liz askew
reconocimiento de campo field reconnaissance
recortada por crossed by
recurrencia sísmico está vencido seismic recurrence interval has passed
recursos evaporíticos evaporite resources
relevamiento survey
relieves colinados denudacionales denudational or denudative hilly reliefs
relieves iniciales initial relief
relleno ganado al mar coastal landfill / reclaimed shoreline
rellenos (see context) backfill
remoción en masa mass wasting
rendimiento económico del mineral financial yield of the ore
repisa floor
repliegue folding
represadas por morrenas dammed by moraines
representantes de colectivos, políticos e institucionales representatives of local groups, government and institutions
resistencia strength
resistencia a compresion simple/inconfinada simple / unconfined compressive strength
Restinga Shoal
retrabajamiento redeposition
rinconada cove
riolitas, riodacitas, latitas, etc. de carácter ácido rhyolites, rhyodacites, latites, etc... of acid composition
rizotúbulos rhizotubules
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