The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ઉર્જા / પાવર ઉત્પાદન Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
aparamenta de corte (circuit breaker) switchgear
aparamenta de corte omnipolar de dos polos protegidos all-pole switchgear with two protected poles
aparcería (parque eólico) partnership/s (wind farms)
Entered by: liz askew
apariencia agradable attractive appearance
apéndice en cascada cascade system
apertura (in this context) cutting off (power sources)
apertura de vertedero y compuerta de fondo de la presa opening of the spillway and sluicegate at the bottom of the dam
apilador lineal (see context) linear stacker
aplicación de primarios applying primers
aportando reactivo contributing reactive power/energy
aporte por soldadura added materials to the weld or filler metal
apoyo individual de gas natural backed up with individual gas heated units
apoyo TM pylons in municipal district
Aprobaciones ambientales environmental approvals
Entered by: Fernando Tognis
Aprovechamiento Use
aprovechamiento hidráulico de pasada small-scale hydraulic projects
Entered by: Antony Price
apto para la valorización en caldera suitable as a fuel for the boiler
aqgregado vigencia aggregate limit
aquella no los precise y se sigan los procedimientos de control provide access long as the company does not need them and all control procedures have been f
arandelas retén de cierre mecánico self-locking retaining rings
area de barrido sweep area
argollas de arrastre towing rings / towing eyes
armaduras de piel reparto leather mountings throughout
aros antiefluvios Corona rings/ Grading rings
arquetas de derivación registrables manholes
arranque de simple circuito single circuit tee-off
arreglos de bloques block arrays
arrollamientos en banda ribbon windings
asientos settlement
asignacion de potencia allocation of power
asomeramiento shoaling
ataguía aguas arriba upstream cofferdam
atemperadores desuperheaters
Entered by: EirTranslations
atropamiento trapping //being trapped/caught
Entered by: liz askew
Aumento alcance suministro Increase of the supply scope
autómata de unidad automated (programmed) control unit
autodeslodante self de-sludging
automático de la carga automatic charging
Entered by: Robert Mavros
autoridades energéticas energy authorities
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