The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી સર્ટીફિકેટ, ડિપ્લોમા, પરવાનાઓ, સી.વી. Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
ANULADA CONVOCATORIA Y LIBRE DISPENSA no consumen convocatoria Cancelled Exam and Exemption
aparece nota marginal legal de impugnacion A footnote to a legal challenge
APD Health care visitor
Entered by: Ana Claudia Macoretta
APL Econometría I - APL > Econometría I - Aplicada > Applied Econometrics I
aportando a la gestión de este departmento contributing to the management of this department
Apostille (o legalizacion unica) Apostille (or sole legalization)
Aprobado con distinción Pass/ed with distinction/distinction level
Entered by: liz askew
aprobado, suspenso, notable, sobresaliente, matrícula de honor, no presentado pass, fail, good, very good/excellent, with honours, exam not sat
Aprobado/notable/sobresaliente por adaptación vs por convalidación passed, notable/excellent (course) adapted to EHEA standards/requirements
aprobar award a pass
Arch/corr File/correspondence
archivo de control escolar records held in the Office of the Registrar
archivo de identificación criminalístico criminal (police) identification record
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Archivo de la Oficialía del Registro Civil Civil Registry Archive/ Civil Registrar's Records
archivo demográfico demographic file / record / archive
archivos a mi cargo registries / files under my care
Area Rectora de Salud (Hevia) Regional/Zonal/Area Health Authority
arquitecta constructora título degree in Architecture and Civil Engineering
ARQUITECTO TÉCNICO EN EJECUCIÓN DE OBRAS Technical Architect for Construction Works
arrastra (en este contexto) pending/still to pass/yet to pass
ARS Administradoras de Riesgos de Salud
Art. 66.- Habilitado Art. 66 - Authorized/Qualified
Artículo 6 del Acuerdo 033 de 2007 del CSU University Governing Board/Board of Governors Resolution 033 of 2007, Article 6
Artículos de constitución de la comunidad de bienes Articles of Partnership
As. Entry
as. (Abbreviation of 'asiento') entry
Así consta It is thus on the records
Así se expresó el/la compareciente... So stated the person appearing / So stated the appearing party
Entered by: Wilsonn Perez Reyes
Así voto. That was his vote.
asentar el acta de rectificación is hereby corrected (and recorded) as
Asesor de Gabinete Ministerial Advisor
asignación (en este contexto) certification
asignatura compensada makeup class/assignment/course
asignatura obligatoria de mención compulsory course for specialism/ mention
asignaturas computables de libre configuración calculated/assessed (free) elective subjects
Asignaturas con calificacion definitiva (superadas) /en ultima situacion Subjects with definitive qualification (passed) / in final stage
Asignaturas Libre Configuración Free Electives
asignaturas optativas vs. de libre configuracion electives vs. independent studies
asignaturas previas "Previous Courses"
asignaturas rendidadas ante los jurados constituidos subjects evaluated by the examination/grading committees appointed...
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