The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી ઓટોમોટિવ / કાર & ટ્રક્સ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
caja diferencial Differential case/housing
cajas de reducción (gear) reducer boxes
Entered by: Reed James
cajas secas y refrigeradas Dry and refrigerated van truck bodies/truck containers/trailers
calado de la inyección injection timing
calandra grille
Calefacción de serie + aire condicionado standard heating + air conditioning
Calefacción Tempmatik HH9 Tempmatik HH9 heating unit
calenton overheat
Entered by: Noelia Ruiz Pérez
calisuares reamers
calorifugado estático static heat/thermal resistance
camas de corte cutting beds
cambio de perfil change of contour / angle
camión cigüeña car carrier truck / car transporter lorry
camión de exteriores location van
Camión lúbrico "Lube/Lubrication Truck"
Entered by: eski
CAMPAÑAS DE REVISIÓN Revision and hesitant recalling campaigns
Entered by: David Jessop
campanas de freno brake drums
campero four-wheel drive (vehicle)
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
canal, y contracanal conduit and counter conduit
capacete (Mexico-automotive) car roof
capacidad energética energy potential/energy recovery potential
CAPACIDAD: Kg/PSJ Capacity: kg/no. of passengers
carcasa casing/shell
careta (radiator) grill / cowling
carga de extensión extension load
Entered by: eski
carga y descarga de residuos loading and unloading of waste
carril de enlace slip lane
Entered by: EirTranslations
carril de incorporación entry lane
Entered by: EirTranslations
carrilería undercarriage parts
carrocería “break also available in estate or station wagon form
carrocería convencional conventional bodywork
carrozado body (vehicle)
carrozado body (vehicle)
carrozar putting on a new truck body
casco (Cuba/Ven) chassis/body frame
Entered by: patinba
casco del neumático carcass/casing
casetas tolls
caudalímetro flowmeter
causa adq. onerosa (acquired) valuable consideration
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
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