The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી વાસ્તુશિલ્પ Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
bóveda aparejada masonry coursework vaults
bóveda apuntada pointed domed ceiling (non arch. term)
bóveda de cañón y de media naranja en la cabecera barrel vault and (hemispherical) dome at the head
bóveda de horno cul-de-four / calotte
bóveda de horno semi-dome / cul-de-four
bóveda de plato saucer dome
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
bóveda de rosca rowlock vault
bóveda esquifada cloister vault, domical vault
bóveda estrellada del sotocoro star vault / stellar vault in the area below the choir loft
bóveda nervada ribbed arch
bóveda tabicada bricked vault
bóvedas cáscaras shell vaults
bóvedas de cierre de las naves arches/vaults over the nave aisles
bóvedas vaídas pendentive dome
bellavistinos Bella Vista-style
bicromatizado dichromated
bifocalidad dual focus
blancos towels/linen/whites
blandón depression
block de barro vidriado glazed clay block
bloque de planta curvada block curved in plan
bloque lineal de crujía 15,5 linear block with a span of 15,5
Entered by: gerarda mc kenna
bloques de viviendas residential clusters
Entered by: Marcelo González
boca (de escenario) opening
boca de registro manhole cover
bocas de desagüe drain outlets
bocateja front tile
bocel ovolo moulding
bodega de blancos linen store/age
bonete chimney cowl
boveda catalana Catalan vault
boveda de medio cañón quadrant vault or half-barrel vault
boveda estrellada star vault or stellar vault
boxes de atención consultation cubicles
brocal well head
Entered by: fionn
broche de oro del arte hispanoárabe the pinnacle | culmination | highest expression of Hispano-Arabic art
buque insignia flagship - greatest achievement - crowning glory
cañón seguido continuous barrel vault
Entered by: Justin Peterson
cañería de alimentación (cold water) supply piping
cañizo torteado wattle and daub
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