The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

પોર્ચુગિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો : કરાર(ઓ) Translation Glossary

પોર્ચુગિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
Ass. Téc. Court Clerk
Entered by: Loreta Saddi
Assembleia de Compartes dos Baldios Assembly of Commoners
Entered by: Jussi Rosti
assentamento entry / record
assessor de imprensa Press Relations
Assim o disse e outorgou. Thus it was said and granted
Assim o disse e outorguei Thus I declare and do grant
Assinando pela empresa Signing on the company\'s behalf
assistência médico-hospitalar-odontológica medical, hospital and dental care assistance
assiste a faculdade it's entitled to proceed with (correcting the situation)
assistente/assistencia assistant / assistance
assume responsabilidade civil e criminal accepts criminal and civil liability
assumindo a autoria taking over the defendant's position
assumisse a natureza [ if the Contract ] became [ a Purchase Agreement ]
assunção parcial de dívida Acknowledgement in part; partial acknowledgement of debt;
Entered by: judith ryan
Ata de Sessão Pública de Defesa de Mestrado Minutes of Public Session of Master's Degree Thesis Defense
até a concorrência da quantia indemnizada up to the amount indemnified
até e excluindo up to and excluding
até que aquela satisfaça a que lhe compete until that party/the party in question meets its obligations
Até que se ultime Until the division of property is finished
Atendidos os termos deste CONTRATO Having (due) regard to the terms of this CONTRACT
atento que bearing in mind (what has been said before)
atestados de afastamento e salários Termination and Salary Documents/ affidavits/ Papers
atestar certify (the invoice)
ativo imobilizado fixed assets
ativos contingentes com êxitos prováveis contingent assets likely to succeed
ato action
ato da mesa house of representatives act
Ato de adjudicação at the contract awarding
ato de ciencia Acknowledgment Statement / act of acknowledgement
ato de julgamento final decision
Entered by: Martin Riordan
ato de mera liberalidade purely arbitrary act
ato ou fato act or deed
ato regular de gestão regular management actions
atos Acts
atos negociais business acts/transactions
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
atos notariais e registrais notarial acts and acts of registry
através de regime de comodato through the commodatum/loan for use regime/agreement
Audição Prévia Preliminary hearing
audiometrias hearing tests
Ausência de Associação unrelated companies
Entered by: Katja van Hellemond
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