The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ઇટાલિયન થી અંગ્રેજી શિક્ષણ / શિક્ષણ શાસ્ત્ર Translation Glossary

ઇટાલિયન term અંગ્રેજી translation
autovalutatore self-evaluator
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
avviamento allo sport an introduction to sport
Bibliografia e Biblioteconomia Library Science and Technology Management
Biennio Specialistico ((in Design) Biennium Master of Arts Degree (Design Course)
biologo sanitario public health biologist
borsino bulletin board
borsista intern
C. M. (codice meccanografico) Data Processing Code
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
c.d. Consiglio di Direzione
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
C.I. (corso integrato=) Integrated course (or multi-module course)
Entered by: Piera Sarasini
C.I. MED.-CH.MAL.EMAT.INF Medicine and Surgery Integrated Course- Haematologic and Infectious Diseases
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
C.I.ME-CH.MAL.RE.V.UR.R Medicine and Surgery Integrated Course- Renal, Urinary Tract and Rheumatic Diseases
C.I.MED.CH.MAL.AP.DI.EN Medicine and Surgery Integrated Course - Digestive Apparatus Diseases and Endoscopy
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
C.M. Specialized course (or special topic course, single-topic/subject course)
Entered by: Piera Sarasini
c.p. advanced
calc. anel. rot. strut. Anelastic calculus and fracture
capolettera initial cap, initial letter
caratterizzante Core course(s)
carenze formative academic deficiencies
cautele nella sua utilizzazione ...and how to use it safely
códice illuminato illustrated manuscripts
Entered by: Tom in London
Cdf faculty board
censo background
centile percentile
certificato certificate
Entered by: Matthew Furfine
CERTIFICATO DI DIPLOMA DI LICENZA DELLA SCUOLA MEDIA junior high school (US) / Lower secondary school graduation certificate
Certificato di superamento esame examination certificate
CFU University credits (or simply "credits"; Italian academic system)
CFU University Formative Credits/Credits/CFU
che viene fatto documento as mentioned herein/as reported herein
circoli didattici grouped primary and infants schools
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
classe Specialist degree type
Classe 45/A Classe 45/A foreign languages (lower secondary school)
classe articolata split class or within-class grouping (depending)
Entered by: Janice Giffin
classe delle lauree specialistiche in scienze dell'economia Masters Class in Economics / specialistic degrees in Economics class as by D. M. 28/11/2000
classe di concorso subject certification
classe di idoneità qualification classes
Entered by: Dominic Currie
classe di maturità high school diploma classes
Entered by: Dominic Currie
Classi bilingui Bilingual Classes
Entered by: Ivana UK
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