The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ઇટાલિયન થી અંગ્રેજી શિક્ષણ / શિક્ષણ શાસ્ત્ર Translation Glossary

ઇટાલિયન term અંગ્રેજી translation
- Master in Gestione Amministrativa d'Impresa (USA) Master's degree in Business Administration
abilitati alla prestazione di garanzia di copertura economica authorised to issue financial guarantees
ciascun percorso each syllabus
Entered by: EirTranslations
Ingegneria edile-archittettura Architectural engineering
Entered by: Lara Barnett
"assistente all’autonomia e alla comunicazione" teaching and communication support assistant
(asilo) nido domiciliare e/o aziendale home (based) child care - workplace child care (centre)
(FQZ) (COL.) (Frequenza) (Colloquio)> Frequency of Attendance, Oral Examination
(gli eventuali crediti formativi sono indicati tra parentesi): (credits earned are shown in brackets)
Entered by: EirTranslations traduce nella figura del mediatore linguistico subsequently becomes that of interpreter cultural mediator (ICM)
109 Bsc equivalent to a UK first-class honours degree
Entered by: Emilia De Paola
50-200 MATR. 50.0200 000408 50-200 MATRIC. NO. 50.0200 000408
Entered by: EirTranslations
A beni culturali, ambientali biologia e medicina To cultural and environmental assets; to biology and medicine
Entered by: Lara Barnett
a bocce ferme as things stand
a cattedre di educazione artistica, disegno e storia dell\'arte for a teaching position/post in art education, drawing and history of art
Entered by: Lara Barnett
a misura di “sapere” knowledged based, knowledge-friendly
a norma U.E. compliant with EU standards
A.A. Anno Accademico = Academic Year
A.C. anno corso - course year
Entered by: Kate Chaffer
A.F. Attività Formativa
A.F.S.S.D. A.F.S.D.S.
AAS Associate in Applied Sciences
abilitante qualifying
Abilitazione to qualify as a lecturer
Entered by: Simon Bruni
abilitazione informatica Basic IT Proficiency (exam/certificate)
accoglienza orientation (office)
accoglienza receptivity
acquamotricista neonatale infant swimming instructor/coach
acquisendo così percezione dei piani di profondità so as to understand the concept of planes or spatial depth
aggancio attraction (strategies/initiatives)
aggregazioni trasversali cross-disciplinary groups
All'interessato compete la qualifica accademica di Dottore. the person name above is hereby awarded the degree of ...
allargare lo spazio del consapevole e del personale to extend the concepts of awareness and the personal to include others
allegati su statistiche / raccolta codicistica based on statistics / coded data collection
allievo interno enrolled student
Entered by: Lara Barnett
all\\\'interno dell\\\'attuale quadro legislativo within the current national legislative framework
alzare il tiro to raise the bar
ambiti del fare e dell’agire actions and behaviours
ambito aggregato per crediti di sede independently decided on by the University for the purpose of credits
ambito spaziale [is valid exclusively] throughout the Italian Territory
Analisi e discussione multidiscip. di casi Multidisciplinary Case Analysis and Discussion
Entered by: Lara Barnett
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