The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી વહાણ, સૈલિંગ,દરિયાઇ Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
Kapitän auf kleiner Fahrt home trade master
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Kartoffelraum potato(e) locker/room
Katsegler cat sailor
Kausche thimble
Kiellegung laying the keel
Kittung (naut.) Caulking
Klassearbeiten classification work
Kleinmaschinist Class C2 Marine (or Ship's) Engineer
knarren clicking noise / ratcheting noise
Kombiherd (microwave) combination oven
Korkleine cork line/float line
Krängungspumpe heeling pump
Kursfahrt scheduled/regular sailings/boat trips
Laderaumsüll hatch coaming (of cargo hold)
Lage-Gegenlage-Schweißen single-run and two-run welding
Landanlage onshore facilities
Langauge suspension ring [in a lifeboat]
Langausleger long bracket
Längsstringer longitudinal stringers
Leine holen haul line
Leistungsegeln competitive sailing
Leistungsreserve performance reserves
Libero flexibility/freedom
lieken leeches
Lot sounder
Lotsenpforte pilot's door
Lotsenversetzschiff pilot boat
Entered by: Sabine Akabayov, PhD
Lotsenwesen pilotage
Markierungsboye marker buoy
Material- und Batterietechnik materials and battery technology
Entered by: Steffen Walter
mechanische Schleifkontakte sliding mechanical contacts
mit Feder and Abfrage with spring (return) and (polling) sensor(s)
mit Tochter (in this context) with repeater
Motorensynchronlaufsystem engine synchronizing system
Musikdampfer passenger ship/luxury liner/pleasure boat
N-geschlossen N closed
Entered by: Sarah Bessioud
Nachspritzventil Re-injection valve
Nachstromfeld wake field
Entered by: Paula Price
Navigationslot (dual-frequency) navigation sounder
Netzsondensystem headline transducer (system)
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