The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી સ્થાવર મિલ્કત Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
Erstbezug first occupancy
erste Ausfertigung first copy
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
Erstvermietung first letting/ first lease
Erstvermietungsgarantie rental guarantee (on first letting)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Ertragswertermittlung The capitalized value (is calculated/determined based on)
Ertragswertverfahren gross rental method
Ertragswohnung investment property
Entered by: Douglas Arnott
etwas im kleinen und im großen Maßstab finden see X in the small-scale and large-scale map
Exposé sales particulars/details
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Exposé {commercial} property profile
Entered by: Edward Bradburn
EZ (Einlagezahl) real estate/property number
Entered by: Robert Kleemaier
Fachmakler Specialist realtor / estate agent /real estate broker
Fahrrecht und Leitungsrecht pipeline easement and right of way
Förderungsverfahren einreichen to apply for (government) subsidies
Förderweg social housing subsidy
Entered by: Samira Goth
Förderweg promotion channel
Entered by: Mats Wiman
für Rechnung des Mieters for the account of the lessee (tenant)
fehlsubventionierung misdirected subsidies
Feinmontage finish plumbing, HVAC & electrical
Feldscheider settlers of (land) boundary disputes / citizens assisting with land surveying
fenstergerechtsam window privilege
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
Ferienwidmung Classified as second home or vacation home
Fernversorgung district heating
Fertigstellungsaufmaße Measurements on completion
Entered by: Marc Svetov
Feuerwehranschluss fire hydrant point
Finanzierungsexzesse surplus funds
Finanzierungsgrundpfandrecht land charge (interest) financing a deposit or the purchase price
Finanzierungsgrundschuld land charge to finance the purchase price; financing encumbrance
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Finanzierungsmittel darstellen raise funding
Flächenanteil percentage of real estate/proportion of (available) spaces
Flächenbewirtschaftungsvereinbarung space usage agreement
Flächendefinition MF-G Definition of RA-C
Entered by: Paula Price
Flächenermittlung determination of the size of the property
Flächenleistung sales productivity
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Flächennachfrage Land demand
Entered by: Marc Svetov
Flächenumsatz Turnover of floor space
Fluchtbrücke escape bridge
Flurbezirke cadastral unit
Flurstück 620/4 und 1/4 MEA am Flurstück 620/5 Gemarkung Klippenhausen joint ownership
Forderung claim
Entered by: Paula Price
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